Welcome to Stanford REACH Lab's Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Toolkit!

Theory-based and evidence-informed resources created by educators, parents, and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students' use of cannabis/marijuana. 

What's a toolkit?

Toolkits are developed by the Stanford REACH Lab and comprise of a collection of curriculums, lessons, programs, and resources catered to a specific topic. While there are some crossovers between toolkits, our intent is to keep everything packaged and easy for educators, parents, and the like to navigate our resources. For any questions or concerns please contact us directly at stanfordreachlab@stanford.edu.

We will be hosting our 6th Annual Teaching Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Virtual Conference on April 9th - 10th! 

Click below to navigate to the our cannabis conference website! More details to come, so make sure to bookmark the conference webpage! 

Cannabis Curriculum

Our new Smart Talk: Cannabis Prevention & Awareness Curriculum is a 5-lesson theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by the Stanford REACH Lab as well as by our Youth Action Board, educators, healthcare providers, and scientists across the U.S.

The PRIDE Curriculum

4-lesson evidence-based curriculum on nicotine/tobacco and cannabis created by the Stanford REACH Lab in collaboration with our Youth Action Board, educators, healthcare providers, and scientists across the U.S.

Healthy Futures

Alternative to Suspension Curriculums geared for students who have been caught using cannabis (or really any cannabis or tobacco product) and/or for any students who are interested in trying to quit.  


Infographics and factsheets can be used to educate your community about the harms of using cannabis. Use as handouts or post them up in educational or clinical settings to educate your audience.