More than 200 Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) members, staff, and trainees gathered to share novel breakthroughs in cancer research, foster collaboration, and build community during this year’s Stanford Cancer Institute Retreat. The March 22 retreat featured diverse presentations on cancer engineering; genomics, AI & population sciences; leukemia, stem cell biology & immunotherapy; and diagnostics & therapeutics.

Throughout the day, attendees listened to inspiring presentations, engaged in lively discussions, and enjoyed good company and food. Researchers showcased their work during a vibrant poster session, with prizes awarded to the top posters. The day’s breakout sessions included NIH Research Supplement to Promote Diversity, FDA Inspections, and Careers in Cancer, where trainees had an opportunity to hear Stanford alums share their cancer career journey.

During the event, we were honored to have the American Cancer Society (ACS) present SCI member Lipika Goyal, MD, with the ACS Researcher of the Year. Goyal’s research focuses on cholangiocarcinoma, an aggressive biliary cancer typically diagnosed late with a poor prognosis. 

The day concluded with a joyful reception for colleagues and hearty congratulations to the poster presenter winners. Photos of the retreat can be viewed here.

March 2023
Article and Image by Sarah Pelta