Please note that the agenda is preliminary and subject to change.
8:00 - 8:30 am
Registration Desk Open & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - 8:45 am
Welcome & SCI Update
Steven Artandi, MD, PhD
Director, Stanford Cancer Institute
Lloyd Minor, MD (Recorded message)
Dean, School of Medicine, Stanford University
8:45 - 9:45 am
Session 1: Clinical and Translational Advances
James Ford, MD [Chair]
Professor, Medicine and Genetics
Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD
Director, Stanford Advanced Melanoma Program
Kara Davis, DO
Associate Professor, Pediatrics - Hematology & Oncology
Melinda Telli, MD
Director, Breast Cancer Program, Stanford Cancer Institute
Jason Gotlib, MD
Professor, Medicine (Hematology)
9:45 - 9:55 am
9:55 - 10:40 am
Session 2: Population Sciences
John Witte, PhD [Chair]
Professor, Epidemiology and Population Health and Biomedical Data Science
Allison Kurian, MD, MSc
Co-Director, Data Science Core, Stanford Cancer Institute
Marvin Langston, PhD
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Population Health
David Rehkopf, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Population Health
10:40 - 11:25 am
Lightning Talks
11:30 - 12:30 pm
Poster Judging and Lunch Break
12:30 - 1:15 pm
Concurrent Breakout Session
1) Stanford Cancer Institute Data Dashboard Demonstration
Alyce Adams, PhD
Associate Director, Cancer Health Equity and Community Engagement, Stanford Cancer Institute
Dinah Trevil, MPA
Executive Director, Office of Cancer Health Equity and Community Engagement, Stanford Cancer Institute
2) Stanford Data Ocean
Amir Bahmani, PhD
Director, Stanford's Deep Data Research Center
1:15 - 1:25 pm
1:25 - 2:10 pm
Session 3: Cancer Biology
Roeland Nusse, PhD [Chair]
Professor, Development Biology
Paul Mischel, MD
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Pathology
Sydney Lu, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Medicine (Hematology)
Julien Sage, PhD
Professor, Pediatrics - Hematology & Oncology and Genetics
2:10 - 2:20 pm
2:20 - 3:05 pm
Session 4: New Therapeutic Modalities
Rajat Rhotagi, MD, PhD [Chair]
Associate Director, Basic Science, Stanford Cancer Institute
Katherine Ferrera, PhD
Professor, Radiology and Division Chief for the Molecular Imaging Program
Gerald Crabtree, MD
Professor, Pathology and Developmental Biology
3:15 - 4:00 pm
Session 5: Cancer Immunotherapy
Edgar Engelman, MD [Chair & Speaker]
Professor, Pathology and Medicine
Lingyi Li, PhD
Professor, Biochemistry
Ansuman Satpathy, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Pathology
4:05 - 4:10 pm
Closing Remarks
Steven Artandi, MD, PhD
Director, Stanford Cancer Institute
4:10 - 5:10 pm
Poster Session & Reception