Young Women's Study
Recruitment of Young Women
The Breast Cancer Family Registry has been funded by the National Cancer Institute to recruit family members of current Family Registry participants who are female and between the ages of 18 and 39 years old to join the Family Registry.
Watch the brief video to learn more about the Young Women's Study.
Why young women?
Risk factors for breast cancer may be different for younger women, yet younger women are often not included in research studies in large enough numbers. We hope to recruit more young women to join the Family Registry and become the ‘next generation’ of women who will play a powerful role in speeding up novel research on breast cancer!
Who is eligible?
* Female
* Age 18 - 39 years
* Relative of a member of the Family Registry
If you are a current participant in the Family Registry, have a close female relative ages 18 to 39, and give us permission to contact her, please email us and we will provide you with a confidential form to share her contact information.
What is involved?
Study participation involves completing an online e-consent form, online questionnaires, and providing a biospecimen sample.
Participants will receive $25.00 for completing the online questionnaire and $25.00 for providing a biospecimen sample.
Participation in the Family Registry is completely voluntary and all information provided will be kept confidential at all times. A unique code number will be assigned to each participant. Only the code number will be used on the online questionnaires and biospecimen sample.
Questions about the study?
If you have any questions about participating in the study, please contact a study staff by phone at 1-888-441-2643, or by e-mail at