Antibodies available from the
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
Monoclonal Antibodies Deposited in The Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
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Karen Jensen,
Dept. of Biological Sciences,
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1324
Phone: (319) 335-3826
FAX: 335-2077
Mouse endothelial cell antigens
MAb MECA-32.
A rat IgG2A MAb that recognizes an endothelial cell-specific differentiation antigen expressed by most endothelial cells in the adult, except within the central nervous system and on capillaries in skeletal and cardiac muscle. The antigen is downregulated on endothelium in association with development of the blood-brain barrier during ontogeny. Biochemical and developmental characterization is published in Hallmann et al, Dev. Dynamics, (below).
Hallmann, R., Mayer, D.N., Berg, E.L., Broermann, R., and Butcher, E.C. Novel mouse endothelial cell surface marker is suppressed during differentiation of the blood brain barrier. Dev. Dynamics, 202:325-332, 1995.
Leppink, D.M., Bishop, D.K., Sedmak, D.D., Henry, M.L., Ferguson, R.M., Streeter, P.R., Butcher, E.C., Orosz, C.G. Inducible expression of an endothelial cell antigen on murine myocardial vasculature in association with interstitial cellular infiltration. Transplantation 48: 874-877, 1989.
Anti-mouse endoglin MAb MJ7/18.
A rat IgG2A MAb recognizing mouse endoglin. In the mouse, endoglin serves as a specific endothelial cell differentiation antigen. Endoglin has been implicated as a TGFß1 and TGFß3-binding molecule.
Ge, A.Z., and Butcher, E.C. Cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding mouse endoglin, an endothelial cell TGF-ß ligand. Gene 138:201-206, 1994.
Anti-human CD44 MAbs Hermes-1 (rat IgG2A)
Hermes-1 is reasonably effective at inhibiting the hyaluronate binding function of human CD44 (Culty et al.; but Haynes and Sanchez-Madrid have better blockers); it recognizes the N-terminal cartilage link protein hyaluronate-binding homology unit (Ge and Butcher, unpublished).
Culty, M., Miyake, K., Kincade, P.W., Sikorski, E.E., Butcher, E.C., and Underhill, C. The hyaluronate receptor is a member of the CD44 (H-CAM) family of cell surface glycoproteins. J. Cell. Biol. 111:2765-2774, 1990.
Goldstein, L., Zhou, D. F.H., Picker, L., Minty, C., Bargatze, R.F., Ding, J.F., and Butcher, E.C. A human lymphocyte homing receptor, the Hermes antigen, is related to cartilage proteoglycan core and link proteins. Cell 56:1063-1072, 1989.
Picker, L.J., de los Toyos, J., Telen, M.J., Haynes, B.F., and Butcher, E.C. Monoclonal antibodies against the CD44 [In(Lu)-related p80], and Pgp-1 antigens in man recognize the Hermes class of lymphocyte homing receptors. J. Immunol 142:2046-2051, 1989.
Anti-human peripheral lymph node addressin MAb JG1 (rat IgG).
JG1.2 rat IgG anti-human peripheral lymph node addressin (PNAd)-associated carbohydrate epitope. A rat IgG antibody that binds to a sialic acid-dependent carbohydrate epitope associated with L-selectin-binding carbohydrate ligands of high endothelial venules (HEV) in human lymphoid tissues and sites of chronic inflammation. The antibody inhibits L-selectin-dependent lymphocyte binding to human PNAd, but perhaps not as well as MECA-79. In western blot analyses the JG1 epitope decorates all known human HEV carbohydrate ligands for L-selectin, but immunohistologically its distribution on HEV is more restricted than the MECA-79 epitope. Along with the unique tissue patterns of other MAbs to PNAd glycotopes, this suggests subtle structural differences in L-selectin-binding carohydrates in different lymphoid tissues in the body. The antibody does not react with HEV in rats or mice.
Berg, E.L., Mullowney, A.T., Andrew, D.P., Goldberg, J.E., Butcher, E.C. Complexity and differential expression of carbohydrate epitopes associated with L-selectin recognition of high endothelial venules Am. J. Path. 152:469-477, 1998.