Welcome to Howitt Lab
The goal of our lab is to better understand molecular features of tumors and their precancers that better inform diagnostic classification and identification of diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers. We strive to further our understanding of the complex biology underlying initiation and progression of diseases, leading to improved detection, prevention, and treatment approaches, and spatial and single cell studies compatible with archival FFPE tissues.
Featured Publication
Cellular Context Determines DNA Methylation profiles in SWI/SNF-deficient Cancers of the Gynecologic Tract
Kommoss, F. K., Tessier-Cloutier, B., Witkowski, L., Forgo, E., Koelsche, C., Kobel, M., Foulkes, W. D., Lee, C., Kolin, D. L., von Deimling, A., Howitt, B. E.