Getting Started
Additional resources can be found within the Stanford Medicine Box
You can be a member of either Stanford Medicine Box or Stanford University Box, but not both. If you use Protected Health Information (PHI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or other High Risk Data, please ensure that you are a member of Stanford Medicine Box. Stanford University Box is rated for Low and Moderate Risk Data only.
Logging In
Stanford Medicine issued machine
Start any Internet browser and go to and click Continue.
Select the icon for your Stanford Medicine affiliation.
Read the welcome message and click Continue to Stanford Medicine Box.
If connected to a Stanford Medicine network (including VPN), you will be brought directly to your Stanford Medicine Box account. If you are on a home or public network, you will first be prompted to enter your organization’s credentials:
- Stanford Health Care: Enterprise ID (SID)
- Stanford Children’s Health: Username
- School of Medicine: SUNet ID
School of Medicine Login Page
Stanford Heatlh Care
Stanford Children's Health
Non-Stanford Medicine issued machine
Start any Internet browser and go to and click Continue.
If you are accessing Box for the first time, you will be prompted to install the Box Tools application before proceeding.
Once your machine passes the validation check, select your institution to login
Note: If your machine does not pass the validation check, please double check that your computer has the Opswat Gears client properly installed and is encrypted and password protected. Contact your institution’s help desk if you need assistance.
Read the welcome message and click Continue to Stanford Medicine Box.
On the next page, sign in using your organization’s credentials:
- Stanford Health Care: Enterprise ID (SID)
- Stanford Children's Health: Username
- School of Medicine: SUNet ID
Note: If you are connected to the SHC or SCH networks, you will bypass this step and automatically be signed in.
School of Medicine
Stanford Children's Health
Stanford Heatlh Care
Subsequent logins from the same browser
From your browser, go to and click Continue
You will automatically be re-directed to your organization’s sign-in page based on your previous selection. If you need to change your selection, click Choose a different organization
Sign in with your organization credentials to be logged in to your Box account.
Note: If you are on the SHC or SCH networks, you will bypass this step.
School of Medicine Login Page