Multi-Shot DWI of the Breast with MUSE and shot-LLR Reconstructions

This manuscript presents a clinical breast MRI study that investigates the performance of single-shot DWI and multi-shot DWI reconstructed by two different techniques (MUSE and Shot-LLR). Our results demonstrate that both two multi-shot DWI methods provide improved performance in comparison to single-shot DWI in the breast in terms of general image quality and depiction of lesions. The advantages of increasing the number of shots with multi-shot DWI in the breast are also delineated with perceived SNR and perceived resolution that improves with 8 versus 4 shots. In particular the superior performance of shot-LLR compared to MUSE for resolving shot-to-shot ghosting artifacts may be advantageous for wide clinical implementation of the method. Finally, these results support that the continued refinement of advanced DWI methods may facilitate implementation of a non-contrast-enhanced screening breast MRI protocol.

Hu Y, Ikeda DM, Pittman SM, Samarawickrama D, Guidon A, Rosenberg J, Chen S, Okamoto S, Daniel BL, Hargreaves BA, Moran CJ. Multishot Diffusion-Weighted MRI of the Breast With Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding (MUSE) and Shot Locally Low-Rank (Shot-LLR) Reconstructions. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2020 Oct 16. doi: 10.1002/jmri.27383. Online ahead of print.

Online Journal Article

Comparison of images of multi-shot DWI data reconstructed using different techniques to single-shot DWI images and contrast-enhanced breast MRI.

Debra M. Ikeda, M.D.
Professor of Radiology (Breast Imaging), Emerita
Sarah Marie Pittman
Clinical Associate Professor, Radiology
Bruce Daniel
Professor of Radiology (Body Imaging) and, by courtesy, of Bioengineering
Brian A. Hargreaves
Professor of Radiology (Radiological Sciences Laboratory) and, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering and of Bioengineering
Brian A. Hargreaves
Professor of Radiology (Radiological Sciences Laboratory) and, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering and of Bioengineering
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