Resources, Readings, and Support
Information for Providers
Community providers are especially encouraged to refer patients with bipolar disorders for possible study inclusion. Eligible patients receive the extra support and benefits of study participation and referring providers receive the extra assistance of the Bipolar Disorders Clinic in evaluating and managing their bipolar patients.
Patients partipating in pharmaceutical company sponsored clinical trials are eligible for free medication, hospitalization (for inpatient studies), and medication monitoring for the duration of the study, which varies from a few weeks to 18 months. These patients may continue to see their current provider for supportive therapy and return to their regular psychiatrist at the end of the study.
Consultations include review of medical records, extended interview with the patient, a comprehensive written report and treatment recommendations. The report and treatment recommendations are typically faxed to the referring provider within 48 hours.
Medical records may be faxed directly to the Clinic at (650) 723-2507.
Suggested Readings
Bipolar Disorders: Memoirs
(Available from DBSA (800) 826-3632 or )
- An Unquiet Mind, A Memoir of Moods and Madness by Kay Redfield Jamison
- A Brillant Madness by Patty Duke
Bipolar Disorders: Family Memoirs
- The Years of Silence Are Past by Stephen Hinshaw
- His Bright Light: The Story of Nick Traina by Danielle Steel
- The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon
- Darkness Visible by William Styron
Bipolar Disorders: Clinical
- Surviving Manic Depression by E. Fuller Torrey and Michael B. Knable
- The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide by David J. Miklowitz
- Expert Consensus Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder: Guide for Patients and Families
- Manic Depressive Illness by Frederick K. Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison
- Manic Depression and Creativity by D. Jablow Hershman
- Touched with Fire by Kay Redfield Jamison
Support & Resources
Prescription Medication Assistance Programs
Rx Help for Californians
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
NAMI Prescription Assistance - Specific Drugs & Pharmaceutical Companies
Health Insurance for People with Low Income
Medicare (if you're over 65 years or disabled)
California Office of the Patient Advocate
Disability Programs (SSDI, SSI)
Apply for Disability Benefits
Bay Area County Mental Health Services
Santa Clara County Mental Health Services
San Mateo County Mental Health Services
Alameda County Mental Health Services
San Francisco Mental Health Association
Bay Area Psychologists (lower cost options)
PGSP Gronowski Clinic in Los Altos
UC Berkeley Psychology Clinic
Support, Education & Advocacy
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
Black Dog Institute
International Bipolar Foundation
Nutrition and Health Information
USDA - Steps to a Healthier You
USHHS- Activity and Menu Planners
Suicide and Emotional Crisis Hotlines
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
1-800-723-TALK (1-800-723-8255)
Legal Resources
American Bar Association (ABA)
Bazelon Center - Mental Health Law
Treatment Advocacy Center
Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project
National Mental Health Resources
National Institute of Mental Health
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
National Mental Health Association
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Network of Depression Centers