April 24 Apr 24
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Bioterrorism Response - A Challenge to the American Health Care System

Perspective of an Emergency Room Physician

How will the US Healthcare System withstand a bioterrorist attack? Are we well prepared? Which bacteria, viruses and toxins pose the greatest threats? Will discuss possible challenges for those on the front lines: physicians, nurses, and other health professionals. The challenges include surveillance, making the medical diagnosis, isolation, containment, hospital surge capacity, development and distribution of counter-measures. Will discuss the dangerous pathogens and illustrate the issues via medical cases


Li Ka Shing Learning & Knowledge Center (LKSC)
291 Campus Dr.
Palo Alto, CA 94305

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Li Ka Shing Learning & Knowledge Center (LKSC)

291 Campus Dr.
Palo Alto, CA 94305
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Milana Trounce, MD MBA; Stanford Emergency Department

Milana TrounceMD MBA FACEP is a Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Emergency Medicine, at Stanford Medical School. She grew up in the former USSR where she was a professional ballerina. She graduated from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine and went on to completing her emergency medicine training at the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency/BI Deaconess Hospital before joining the faculty there. She completed a Disaster Medicine and Bioterrorism Fellowship at Harvard and runs a Harvard CME course titled  "Responding to Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons" as the CME director. While in Boston, she was on staff at the CIMIT-Russia program at CIMIT, the Center for the Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology, which is a consortium of physicians from the Harvard teaching hospitals with scientists and engineers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. In conjunction with CIMIT and with the US State Department she has worked on projects involving redirection of the former Russian bioweapons scientists towards more peaceful goals such as developing collaborations with their American counterparts to produce vaccines for dangerous pathogens/ technology transfer, as well as other projects.  This experience was one of the inspirations for going back to school and getting her MBA at Stanford. Prior to Stanford she was an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Caliofornia San Francisco and where was a Medical Director for Disaster Response. She is a spokeswoman for the American College of Emergency Physicians.