SCBE In The News
May 2012:, 05/10/12
--Sex-change surgery now a legal right in Argentina; Hormone therapy, surgery to be covered under public and private health care plans
Argentina's Gender Identity law - a measure that gives adults the right to undergo sex-change surgery or hormone therapy as part of their public or private health care plans - was approved Wednesday. The law also gives people the right to specify how their gender is listed at the civil registry. Katrina Karkazis, senior research scholar at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and author of "Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority and Lived Experience," provides comment in this Associate Press article, which also appears on, and a similar piece prepared by
San Francisco Chronicle, 05/15/12
--Compassionate use gives lifeline to needy patients
A Florida woman dying of breast cancer made a YouTube video plea to Genentech and federal regulators to grant her compassionate use of a new drug that is not expected to be approved until next month. David Magnus, the Thomas A. Raffin Professor in Medicine and Biomedical Ethics, provides comment in this article.