SCBE In The News
June 2012:
Toronto Star, 06/14/12
--London 2012: IOC gender testing policy challenged
Proposed Olympic sex-testing policies for select female athletes could discriminate against women and distort scientific evidence on the relationship between testosterone, sex and athletic performance, a new Stanford study says. Katrina Karkazis, senior research scholar at Stanford’s Center for Biomedical Ethics, provides commenting this article and in ones prepared by and Pulse (
New York Times, 06/18/12
--Sex verification: You say you’re a woman? That should be enough
The International Olympic Committee is soon expected to announce new sex verification policies for athletes. Katrina Karkazis, senior research scholar in biomedical ethics at Stanford, and Rebecca Jordan-Young, a sociomedical scientist at Barnard College, challenge the proposed policies; they share their thoughts in this piece.
Brainstorm (, 06/19/12
--Olympic sex
This Chronicle of Higher Education blog post discusses testosterone testing in female Olympic athletes and quotes Katrina Karkazis, senior research scholar in biomedical ethics.
KNTV-TV, 06/25/12
Katrina Karkazis, a senior research scholar at the Center for Biomedical Ethics, was interviewed about a controversial new gender-testing policy adopted by the International Olympic Committee.
San Jose Mercury News, 06/25/12
--Stanford bioethicist challenges controversial Olympics gender-testing policy
Stanford bioethicist Katrina Karkazis, a senior research scholar at the Center for Biomedical Ethics, has challenged a controversial new gender-testing policy adopted by the International Olympic Committee, saying it lacks scientific credibility and could lead to discrimination against women who don't conform to traditional notions of femininity. Karkazis is quoted here and in a recent blog entry on