SCBE In The News
September 2009:
Menlo Park Almanac, 09/03/09
--Breakfast benefit for Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Golden Gate will hold a benefit breakfast Sept. 16 at the Menlo Circus Club. David Magnus, director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, will be a guest speaker and deliver a talk titled, "Who Owns Life?"
Kaiser Health News, 09/15/09
--Checking in with Dr. Abraham Verghese on the importance of the bedside manner
Abraham Verghese, senior associate chair and professor of the theory and practice of medicine in the Department of Medicine, was recently interviewed by a KHN reporter about issues relating to health reform and the practice of medicine.
La Presse (Montreal) , 09/18/09
--Entre deux sexes/Between two sexes
This article discusses the recent controversy over Caster Semenya, the world champion sprinter from South Africa, whose gender has been called into question by the International Association of Athletics Federations. Katrina Karkazis, a medical anthropologist at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, discussed the biology of sex and intersex conditions.
(Note: The piece is written in French. For a copy of the article, please e-mail: