In The News
February 2006
United Press International
Analysis: New Patent For Stem Cells?
This article discusses stem cell research and intellectual property issues. Hank Greely is quoted.
Your Call (KAWL-FM)
During this morning's show, David Magnus and Mildred Cho will discuss their work building an ethical culture in science. The live call-in show airs at 10 AM on 91.7 FM.
Los Angeles Times
Stem Cell Institute's Legality Goes To Trial
Two groups are challenging the legality of the state's stem cell institute. Hank Greely provides comment in this article on the trial on the lawsuits, which begins today. An Associated Press article on the topic also mentions that two government biologists recruited by Stanford's stem cell institute decided to instead work in Singapore, where they will face fewer restrictions on their work. That article appears on and and the websites of numerous newspapers, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Boston Globe, Contra Costa Times, Fresno Bee, Miami Herald, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, Monterey Herald, New York Times, Sacramento Bee, San Francisco Chronicle and San Diego Union-Tribune. (registration required)
Newark Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.)
Science's New Blend Mixes Man And Beast
The work of Irving Weissman, the Virginia and DK Ludwig Professor for Clinical Investigation and director of the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, is referenced in this article on chimeras. Hank Greely is also quoted.
Sacramento Bee
For Doctors, The Debate Goes Beyond Executions
This article discusses the debate over physicians overseeing executions. David Magnus provides comment. (registration required)
Stanford Q&A: Hank Greely On The Prop. 71 Lawsuit
In this Q&A, Hank Greely discusses an upcoming trial involving the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine.
San Francisco Chronicle
It's About The Killing, Not The Pain
This column discusses the debate over physicians overseeing executions. David Magnus provides comment.
San Jose Mercury News
Medical World Balks At Assisting Executions
David Magnus comments here that a physician aiding in the execution of a criminal poses ethical dilemmas. He is also quoted in the Oakland Tribune and the Orange County Register.
Stanford Daily
Stem Cell Policy Changes
This article discusses recent actions by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine's governing board. Philip Pizzo, medical school dean, sits on that board, and is mentioned here. Christopher Scott and Hank Greely are quoted.
During this segment, Christopher Scott discussed stem cells and the state's stem cell institute.
Stanford Ethics Consulting Helps Researchers Navigate Sensitive Issues
A pioneering program at the medical school is helping scientists navigate the minefield of sensitive issues surrounding biomedical research. David Magnus and Mildred Cho discussed the Stanford program during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Stanford Q&A: Neuroethicist On Growing Demand For Ethical Oversight
New ways of peering into the brain raise ethical questions about how research involving these technologies should be conducted. Judy Illes discussed these ethical issues at the recent AAAS meeting.
San Jose Mercury News
State's Stem-Cell Oversight Panel Creates Research Guidelines
In this opinion piece, Hank Greely praises recent actions by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine's governing board. Philip Pizzo, medical school dean, sits on that board, which met at Stanford earlier this month. An editorial on this issue also appeared in yesterday's Los Angeles Times. (registration required)
A 62-year-old California grandmother recently gave birth to a baby boy and became of the oldest women ever to bear a child. David Magnus weighed in on the issues during this segment.
Baltimore Sun
What Price To Save A Life?
Drug company Genentech is planning to charge as much as $100,000 per year for an experimental treatment for breast and lung cancer. This article discusses the ethical issues raised by high costs of drugs and treatments and quotes David Magnus .
A federal judge last week ordered San Quentin State Prison to have anesthesiologists on hand to minimize Michael Angelo Morales' pain as he was put to death by lethal injection. During this segment, Clarence Braddock III discussed the ethics of the anesthesiologists' participation.
Science Theology and News
Clearing the Rap on Video Games
Visiting Scholar Susan Leigh Star's seminar series on ethics and technology is mentioned in this article.
Fresh Air with Terry Gross (NPR)
During this program, Christopher Scott discussed stem cell research and his new book on the topic. Scott is director of the Stanford Program on Stem Cells and Society in the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics.
In this segment, Christopher Scott discussed stem cell research at Stanford.
San Francisco Chronicle
In Fight For Life, Insurer No Help
This article discusses how many drugs for patients with terminal conditions are not covered by insurance. David Magnus is quoted here.
Wall Street Journal
Health & Medicine: Inquiry criticizes U.S. Co-Author of Discredited Stem Cell Paper
David Magnus provides comment in this article about a scientist who co-authored the now-discredited South Korean stem cell paper.
(For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
California Report (KQED-FM)
David Magnus and Julie Baker discussed guidelines that will likely be adopted by the state's stem cell institute.
Baltimore Sun
Program to Probe Roots of Diseases
This article discusses how scientists from the National Institutes of Health will develop new technologies to measure environmental causes and determine the genetic changes that can give rise to diseases. Hank Greely provides comment in this article.
The Scientist
California's Stem Cell Plans Stalled, but Still Alive
This article discusses the slow start of the state's stem cell institute. Hank Greely is quoted.
In Our Blood
Hank Greely is quoted in this article on genetic genealogy. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
New York Times
DNA Kits Aim To Link You To The Here And Then
Hank Greely is quoted in this article on genetic tests that reveal ancestry. (registration required)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
To Keep Science Honest, Emory Operates Fraud Tip Line
This article discuses Emory University's efforts to prevent scientific fraud and quotes David Magnus, Magnus and Mildred Cho wrote a paper that calls for institutional policies that encourage ethical behavior among scientists.
New Scientist
Hwang's Forgotten Crime
This piece discusses the recent South Korean stem cell controversy and references a stem cell conference held at Stanford last month. Donald Kennedy, editor-in-chief of Science and former Stanford president, is quoted. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
Stem Cell Research Gives Rise To Donation Ethics Conundrum
This article discusses the debate surrounding egg donation for stem cell research. David Magnus is quoted here and in a second article on the topic. (registration required)
02/03/06 KVON-AM (Napa)
In this segment, Christopher Scott discussed federal stem cell policy, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and advances in stem cell science.
Geelong Advertiser (Australia)
Look Into My Lies/ New Brain Scan Could Reveal Deception
This article discusses the possibility of using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to detect lies. Hank Greely and Judy Illes are quoted. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
(Salt Lake City)
In this segment, Christopher Scott discussed President Bush's statements on embryonic stem cells and recent advances in research.