In The News
April 2006
David Magnus and Mildred Cho are quoted in "Bioethics: Dial 'E' for ethics". Joachim Hallmayer, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is also quoted.
Hank Greely comments on genetic testing in Newsweek 5/01/06. For a faxed copy of the article, contact SCBE at 723- 6911.
Judy Illes recently authored a study on the marketing practices of the body-scan industry. She is quoted in Men's Health.
David Magnus was quoted in a KTVU-TV segment on synthetic biology and how technology could allow access to pathogens in the future. Similar segments aired on KMPH-TV (Fresno), KION-TV (Monterey) and WTTG-TV (Washington, D.C.)
David Magnus discussed Friday's stem cell ruling during a KTVU-TV segment.
Falling behind on stem cell research: Christopher Scott and Jennifer McCormick wrote an editorial for the Boston Globe that discusses how stem cell researchers in other countries are out-publishing U.S. scientists.
Fighting disease or playing God? Hank Greely discusses ethics in genetic research in an article in the Toronto Star.
In an article in Health Day, David Magnus discusses a new study on scientific misconduct.
Hank Greely provides comment in this article on genetic testing in the UConn Daily Campus.
The legal lock on stem cells: two patents that cover key research areas are setting back science
In a piece in the Los Angeles Times, Kenneth Taymor discusses two powerful patents that cover all human embryonic stem cells and the method by which they're made.
David Magnus provides comment in this article in the Orange Country Register on problems at UCI Medical Center.
During a segment on Your Total Health, David Magnus discussed how some egg freezing advertising can be misleading.
U.S. trails other countries in publishing embryonic stem cell studies, Stanford researcher finds
A new Stanford study by Jennifer McCormick, a postdoctoral fellow at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, has found that stem cell researchers in other countries are out-publishing U.S. scientists.
Baltimore Sun
This article discusses how Johns Hopkins Medicine is allowing the use of its name in advertising skin-care products. Mildred Cho, associate professor of pediatrics and associate director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, provides comment.,0,7156387.story?coll=bal-news-nation