In The News
May 2006
David Magnus was profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle
SCBE's Larry Zaroff is this year's winner of the prestigious ASSU Teacher of the Year Award. The award was created to recognize a single faculty member, nominated by students or other faculty members, who has gone above and beyond the duties of classroom instruction.
David Magnus was featured in PBS' California Connected program about the costs of off-label prescription drugs.
Christopher Scott was quoted in this SF Business Times article on ethics and biotechnology and how experts gathered at Stanford over the weekend
Hank Greely discussed the role of bioethicists in this SF Business Journal article.
An op-ed piece in The Washington Times mentioned Jennifer McCormack's paper which found that stem cell researchers in other countries are out-publishing U.S. scienti
Chris Scott discussed stem cell research and federal legislation during a segment on WILL-FM (Champaign, IL).
Irving Weissman and Hank Greely are quoted in this San Francisco Business Times article on chimeras.
David Magnus was featured in this KPIX-TV segment on Kaiser Permanente suspending it's kidney transplant program.
New Scientist: Through the mind's eye
Judy Illes is quoted in this cover story about the possibilities of using technologies, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to peer into the brain.
Daily Camera (Boulder, Colo.): Film festival tells tales of immigrants
A documentary produced by Maren Grainger-Monsen, reveals the difficulties of physicians overcoming cultural barriers in treating patients. The film, "Hold Your Breath," is being screening tonight at a film festival in Colorado.
Christopher Thomas Scott, executive director of the Program on Stem Cells and Society in SCBE authored an article in Nature Biotechnology on the conservative legislators' attack on chimeras. Irving Weissman, the Virginia and DK Ludwidg Professor for Clinical Investigation; Hank Greely, Robert Sapolsky, the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Professor are also quoted.