In The News
June 2006
Christopher Scott, is quoted in this article at on the use of chimeras in medicine as mixing animal and human cells is sparking serious ethical debate.
On KPIX-TV, David Magnus commented on the use of pills to wipe away the memories of soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.
Christopher Scott is quoted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on the use of chimeras in medicine. A similar article appears in the Gold Coast Bulletin.
David Magnus discussed the issues regarding the new details of Kaiser Permanente's kidney transplant program on KPIX-TV.
On KQED-FM, David Magnus spoke during a segment on assisted suicide.
In the York Dispatch, Christopher Scott is quoted on the use of chimeras in medicine as scientists walk the fine line in "hybrid" research.
Hank Greely discussed the physician assisted suicide bill pending in the California Senate on KTVU-TV today and on KCBS radio yesterday.
On CNN, David Magnus discussed genetic testing and the ethical issues involving this kind of testing.
On KNTV-TV, David Magnus was interviewed for a segment on embryo screening.
In an article on Christopher Scott, comments on the need for research institutions to separate facilities for studying stem cells that are privately funded, from those that are government funded. "Quite frankly, it is the most bizarre thing I've ever encountered in basic science,'' he says in this article.
In, a blog entry mentions the three-day conference on Stem Cell Science and Policy held last weekend. The event was sponsored SCBE and the Genetics Policy Institute, and is also mentioned in the SFGate.
Larry Zaroff is published in today's New York Times with an article entitled, "For a Medical Student, a Shocking Lesson in the Real World."
On KQED-FM Radio David Magnus discusses the ethical issues involved in genetic testing for diseases.
A three-day conference on Stem Cell Science and Policy was held over the weekend at Stanford sponsored by the SCBE and the Genetics Policy Institute as mentioned in the SF Gate.
Chris Scott was interviewed by Jennifer Barrett of Newsweek where he discusses the controversy and promise of embryonic stem cell research in developing innovative new treatments for diseases. This article is featured at
Hank Greely, with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, provides a comment in the Philadelphia Inquirer on the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's plans to build a database of children's DNA, hoping to create diagnostic tests and track increasingly common illnesses such as diabetes.
Christopher Scott is quoted in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Harvard's plans to use private funds to fund research on methods of cloning human embryos.
The Milwaukee Sentinal Journal reported that Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle will be the keynote speaker at a two-day stem cell conference June 10-11 sponsored by the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and the Genetic Policy Institute.