In The News
September 2005
Los Angeles Times
Son To Remain With HIV Skeptics
A couple whose 3-year-old daughter died of AIDS after they decided against having her tested for the virus will retain custody of their 8-year-old son. David Magnus provides comment in this article. (registration required)
Indianapolis Star
Transplant Patients Seek Organs Online
David Magnus is quoted in this article on Internet organ matching. The story originally appeared in the Washington Post.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Internet Becomes Organ Central
David Magnus is quoted in this article on Internet organ matching. The story originally appeared in the Washington Post.
Washington Post
Search For Organ Transplants Becomes A Web Free-For-All
David Magnus is quoted in this article on internet organ matching. (registration required)
New York Times Stunning News Of A Tumor Serendipitously Discovered
Advances in imaging technology have made it increasingly common for healthy, asymptomatic people - such as the writer of this piece - to experience "incidental findings." Judy Illes provides comment. (registration required)
New York Times
One Last Recipe From Mother, For The Good Death
Larry Zaroff wrote this essay on his mother's last years of life. (registration required)