In The News
November 2005
Eggs, Lies, Stem Cells
This article discusses the controversy surrounding a South Korean researcher who recently announced plans for an international consortium to generate hundreds of stem cell lines. David Magnus is quoted.
Paula Zahn Now
David Magnus was featured in this segment on a new experimental drug that can treat the trauma caused by bad memories.
Tacoma News Tribune
We Still Have Homework To Do About Stem-Cell Research
David Magnus has opinion editorial in the Tacoma News Tribune.
American Medical News
New Stem Cell Methods Seek To Break Ethical Impasse
In this article, David Magnus expresses his concerns about two recent Nature papers on alternative approaches to embryonic stem cell research. Magnus is the director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. (subscription required) (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
San Francisco Bay Guardian
Scrambled Eggs
South Korea is establishing an international consortium to generate hundreds of stem cell lines using somatic cell nuclear transfer. This article discusses the ethical issues surrounding this plan and quotes David Magnus and Mildred Cho.
Stanford Daily
Prescription: Watch Some 'ER'
Television producer and physician Neal Baer delivered the annual Jonathan J. King Lecture yesterday. The former executive producer of ER addressed the role of the doctor who can educate the public about health issues through television. The lecture was sponsored by the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford Medical Informatics, and the Health Library.