In The News
March 2005
Stanford held a forum yesterday highlighting the controversial end-of-life issues surrounding the Terry Schiavo case. David Magnus appeared on segments on KNTV-TV, KPIX-TV and KGO-TV. He was also interviewed by KQED-FM.
KYW-AM (Philadelphia)
The Medical Board of California has revoked the medical license of a San Francisco fertility doctor who implanted the wrong embryos in a Campbell woman and didn't tell her for 18 months. David Magnus commented during this segment.
San Jose Mercury News
Shiavo Plight Sparking Debate
David Magnus is quoted in this article on the Terri Schiavo case and end-of-life care directives. The article also appears in the Monterey County Herald. (registration required)
Stanford Daily
Addiction May Be Related To Genes
A panel of scientists, policy experts and journalists discussed genetics and addiction yesterday at a symposium put on by Stanford's Center for Integration of Research in Genetics and Ethics. Robert Malenka, the Nancy Friend Pritzker Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, is quoted in this article.
David Magnus discussed the Terri Schiavo case during this segment.
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, PA)
Living Will Challenges
Hank Greely is quoted in this article about living wills. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911)
David Magnus discussed the Terri Schiavo case, and what reinserting the feeding tube would do.
St. Petersburg Times
Schiavo's Legacy May Live In Debate
Barbara Koenig is quoted in this article on the Terri Schiavo case and end-of-life care directives.
Sacramento Bee
Stem Cell Allies Divided Over Egg Collection
This article discusses a proposed ban on the use of hormone treatments to increase egg production for research. David Magnus provides comment in the story, which also appears in the Marin Independent Journal. (registration required)
San Jose Mercury News
Heart Of Schiavo Fight: Humans Decide Death
David Magnus provides comment in this article on the Terri Schiavo case. Schiavo is a brain-damaged Florida woman whose feeding tube was recently removed. (registration required)
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
See Spot - Again?
David Magnus is quoted in this article on pet cloning.
Daily Press (Williamsburg, VA)
This article, which originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times, discusses how psychologists and economists are using sophisticated brain scanners to gain insight into people's preferences for products and politicians. Judy Illes is quoted. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
Diagnosis: Complexity
David Magnus provides comment in this article on the Terri Schiavo case. Schiavo is a brain-damaged Florida woman whose feeding tube was recently removed.
Los Angeles Times
Doctors Say Examination Changed His Mind
David Magnus provides comment in this article about a neurologist whose Christian right-to-life perspective may be influencing his thoughts on the Terri Schiavo case. Schiavo is a brain-damaged Florida woman whose feeding tube was recently removed. (registration required)
A Mix Of Mice And Men
Irving Weissman, the Karel and Avice Beekhuis Professor of Cancer Biology, is referenced in this Christian Science Monitor article about transplanting human neurons into the brains of mice. Hank Greely is quoted.
O'Reilly Factor (FOX News)
David Magnus discussed the politics and ethics of the Terri Schiavo case. (For a faxed copy of the transcript, please contact 723-6911.)
David Magnus discussed the Terri Schiavo case and how decisions may affect families in California.
San Jose Mercury News
Top Athlete Juggles Activism And Medical Studies At Stanford
This article profiles Stanford medical student and wheelchair marathon racer Cheri Blauwet. David Magnus is quoted. (registration required)
CS Monitor
A Mix Of Mice And Men
Irving Weissman, the Karel and Avice Beekhuis Professor of Cancer Biology, is referenced in this article about transplanting human neurons into the brains of mice. Hank Greely is quoted.
Portsmouth Herald-News
Animal-Rights Groups And Ethicists Have Claws Out Over Latest Clones David Magnus provides comment in this Chicago Tribune article on the small but growing pet-cloning industry.
Chicago Tribune
'Frankenkitty' Or Priceless Duplicate?
David Magnus provides comment in this article on the small but growing pet-cloning industry.
Portsmouth Herald-News
Animal-Rights Groups And Ethicists Have Claws Out Over Latest Clones David Magnus provides comment in this Chicago Tribune article on the small but growing pet-cloning industry.
Chicago Tribune
'Frankenkitty' Or Priceless Duplicate?
David Magnus provides comment in this article on the small but growing pet-cloning industry.
Orlando Sentinel
This Los Angeles Times Article Discusses Smart Drugs
Drugs that may be able to boost learning skills and increase capacity for endurance. Jerome Yesavage, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and director of Stanford's Aging Clinical Research Center, and Judy Illes are quoted.