In The News
June 2005
Baltimore Sun
Creating a Company Intended to Create Life
This article discusses the next venture of J. Craig Venter, the scientist who announced the mapping of the human genome. Mildred Cho is quoted here. (registration required)
Associated Press
FDA Approves First Racially Targeted Drug
The heart-failure drug BiDil, which has been approved for use in black patients, is the first medication marketed for a specific racial group. David Magnus provides comment in this article. The piece appears on numerous websites, including the New York Times' and San Francisco Chronicle's, and in numerous newspapers, including the Contra Costa Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Jose Mercury News and Winston-Salem Journal (Winston-Salem, N.C.).
San Francisco Chronicle
The Building Of Biotech
Mildred Cho is quoted in this article on the impact of the Bayh-Dole act.
New York Sun
Health Officials: Hospital Broke Aids Drug Rules
Federal investigators have concluded that Columbia University Medical Center and New York-Presbyterian Hospital violated protocol on the use of human research subjects between 1988 and 2001, when doctors at the center administered experimental AIDS drugs to foster-care children. David Magnus provides comment here. (registration required)
San Francisco Chronicle
Cultural Issues Spawn Distrust Of Doctoring/Documentary Film Shows Divide Between Physicians, Patients
A documentary produced by Maren Grainger-Monsen reveals the difficulties of physicians overcoming cultural barriers in treating patients. This article discusses the film, which is being shown tomorrow night in San Francisco. The piece also quotes Clarence Braddock, associate professor of medicine, and references George Fisher, associate professor of medicine.
Foster's Daily Democrat
Korean Scientists Speed First Patient-Matched Stem Cells
South Korean scientists recently created the world's first human embryonic stem cells that are customized to injured or sick patients. David Magnus and Mildred Cho wrote a commentary on this research in Science; their work is referenced here.
World News Tonight (ABC)
This segment discussed what happens when parents and physicians disagree over a child's medical treatment. Maren Grainger-Monsen, who studies the difficulties of overcoming cultural barriers in treating patients, provided comment.
San Francisco Chronicle
Study Charts Science's Ethical Swamplands
A new survey published in the journal Nature shows that up to a third of scientists have engaged in ethically questionable practices over the last three years. David Magnus provides comment.
Stanford Report
Annual Awards To Be Given For Patient Care And Teaching
This year's list of winners include Clarence Braddock of the medical school awards for outstanding contributions to graduate and medical education, patient care and teaching will be honored at the commencement ceremony on Saturday.
Korea Times
Ethical Debates May Mar Hwang's Achievement
South Korean scientists recently created the world's first human embryonic stem cells that are customized to injured or sick patients. The work of David Magnus and Mildred Cho are referenced here.
Jewish News Weekly
Medical Miracles: Doctors, Chaplains, And Patients All Baffled
Bruce Feldstein, director of Jewish chaplaincy at Stanford University Medical Center, and Thomas Raffin are quoted in this article about medical miracles.