In The News
July 2005
Bradenton Herald Video Robots Redefine 'TV Doctor'
David Magnus provides comment in this article about how many physicians are using telemedicine technologies to use their time more efficiently. The story originally appeared in the Washington Post.
This segment discussed Senate Majority leader Bill Frist's endorsement of government-funded research on human embryonic stem cells. David Magnus was interviewed during this segment.
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Biotech Brouhaha
David Magnus provides comment in this article about the concern native Hawaiians have about the growing biotech industry.
Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette
No Human Touch
David Magnus provides comment in this article about how many physicians are using telemedicine technologies to use their time more efficiently. The story originally appeared in the Washington Post.
San Francisco Business Times
Stem Cell Ethics Debate Orbits Around 'Planet Of The Apes'
A group of bioethicists have laid out the ethical boundaries for implanting embryonic stem cells in the brains of monkeys and apes. Hank Greely is quoted. (registration required)
Los Angeles Times
When Dr. Robot is making the rounds
David Magnus provides comment in this article about how many physicians are using telemedicine technologies to use their time more efficiently.
San Luis Obispo Tribune
Panel lays out rules for using stem cells in primate brains
A group of bioethicists have laid out the ethical boundaries for implanting embryonic stem cells in the brains of monkeys and apes. Hank Greely is quoted in this San Jose Mercury News article.
Stanford News
Ethical Guidelines Suggested For Research That Would Put Human Stem Cell In Primates
Hank Greely is urging oversight committees to adopt ethical guidelines before scientists put human stem cells into the brains of nonhuman primates.
USA Today
Panel: Use Caution In Stem Cell Study Of Monkey Brains
This article discusses the ethical boundaries for implanting embryonic stem cells in the brains of monkeys and apes. Hank Greely is quoted. Articles also appear in the San Jose Mercury News and
Men's Health
An Unhealthy Glow
Judy Illes is quoted in this article on whole-body scans.
Henderson Gleaner
Video Robots Help Physicians Make Rounds, Serve Patients
David Magnus provides comment in this article on the use of "telemedicine" technologies.
During this segment, David Magnus discussed genetic privacy and whether there needs to be better protection of genetic information.
Allentown Morning Call
Your Doctor's on TV
This article discusses the use of "telemedicine" technologies. David Magnus provides comment.
Jacksonville Florida Times-Union
Reliability Of Genetic Tests Likely Depends On Size Of The Database
Hank Greely is quoted in this article on the reliability of genetic tests that reveal ancestry.
Can DNA Reveal Your Roots?
Hank Greely is quoted in this article on genetic tests that reveal ancestry. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact our office: 723-6911)
Washington Post
Video Robots Redefine 'TV doctor' This article discusses the use of "telemedicine" technologies. David Magnus provides comment.