In The News
January 2005
New York Times
Patient Care Vs. Corporate Connections
Mildred Cho provides comment in this article on conflict of interest among researchers.
(registration required)
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine will soon meet to decide where their headquarters will be based. David Magnus was featured during this segment.
San Jose Mercury News
Film Shows Medicine's Cultural Cross-Ups
A new documentary produced by Maren Grainger-Monsen reveals the difficulties in overcoming cultural barriers in treating patients. The documentary premieres today at 5 p.m. at Packard Hospital's auditorium. (registration required)
Doctor Cuts Wall Street, Drug Maker Ties
A prominent Cleveland Clinic researcher has stopped working as a paid consultant for a Wall Street fund and has broken ties to many drug companies to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. Mildred Cho provides comment in this Associated Press article. The article also appears on and the websites of numerous newspapers, including the Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle and Washington Post.
National Geographic News,
Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy
David Magnus and Irving Weissman are quoted in this article on research involving chimeras. Weissman's work is also discussed.
KZSU-FM (Stanford)
During this segment, Maren Grainger-Monsen discussed her new film - a documentary designed to educate doctors and patients on how to overcome cultural barriers.
Stanford Film Shows How Culture Gap Affects Treatment
A new documentary produced by Maren Grainger-Monsen reveals the difficulties in overcoming cultural barriers in treating patients.
The Independent
Health: Messing With Our Minds
This article discusses brain-boosting medications such as Modafinil. Jerome Yesavage, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and director of Stanford's Aging Clinical Research Center, and Judy Illes provide comment. A similar article was also prepared by the Houston Chronicle.
Napa Valley Register
Napa Grapegrowers to Host Debate On Genetic Engineering
The Napa Valley Grapegrowers will host a symposium on genetically modified crops. David Magnus will be a featured speaker and is also quoted in the article.
Ethics of Neuroimaging Research to be Focus of NIH/Stanford Meeting
Learning about how the brain works often involves studying the brains of healthy volunteers. But what are researchers' obligations to the volunteers when those normal brains aren't so normal? That's the focus of a Jan. 6-7 meeting in Bethesda, Md., sponsored by the NIH in collaboration with Stanford and Judy Illes designed to help research institutions set standards for their brain imaging studies.
South China Morning Post
First it was copy-cats, now it's dogs that can have more than 9 lives
A California company that created the world's first commercially cloned cat is hoping to tap into a new market this year by switching its attention to dogs. David Magnus provides comment in this article.
Ethics of Neuroimaging Research to be Focus of NIH/Stanford Meeting
Learning about how the brain works often involves studying the brains of healthy volunteers. But what are researchers' obligations to the volunteers when those normal brains aren't so normal? That's the focus of a Jan. 6-7 meeting in Bethesda, Md., sponsored by the NIH in collaboration with Stanford and Judy Illes designed to help research institutions set standards for their brain imaging studies.
South China Morning Post
First it was copy-cats, now it's dogs that can have more than 9 lives
A California company that created the world's first commercially cloned cat is hoping to tap into a new market this year by switching its attention to dogs. David Magnus provides comment in this article.