In The News
December 2005
New York Times
Ties To Industry Cloud A Clinic's Mission
This article discusses a conflict of interest issue surrounding a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic. Mildred Cho provides comment here. The story also appears in the Boston Globe, Hendersonville Times News (Hendersonville, N.C.), Lakeland Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.), Ocala Star-Banner (Ocala, Fla.), Spartanburg Herald-Journal (Spartanburg, S.C.), Tuscaloosa News (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) and Wilmington Morning Star (Wilmington, N.C.). (registration required)
San Jose Mercury News
South Korean Research Scandal Reflects Ethical Breakdown
This opinion piece, co-written by David Magnus discusses the stem cell controversy in South Korea. (registration required)
Washington Post
Human Brain Cells Are Grown In Mice
Hank Greely is quoted in this article on new research involving chimeras. Yesterday's SUMC in the News included this article, but did not mention Greely. (registration required)
Nature Biotechnology
December Issue: Stem Cell Therapy Or Snake Oil?
Chris Scott provides comment about desperate patients who travel abroad for dubious stem cell therapies. pp1467 - 1469.
Human Brain Cells Are Grown in Mice
David Magnus is quoted in an Associated Press piece that appears on and on the websites of San Francisco Chronicle and New York Times. Magnus is also quoted in the Irish Examiner and the San Francisco Chronicle. (For a faxed copy of the Irish Examiner article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
Nature Biotechnology
December Issue: Stem cell therapy or snake oil?
pp1467 - 1469
Desperate patients are travelling abroad for dubious stem cell therapies. Chris Scott provides comment.
San Francisco Business Times,
Expert is Leading Discussion on Ethical, Moral Issues of Stem Cells
Christopher Scott has launched the new Program in Stem Cells and Society, where he'll teach courses on the science of stem cells and present the ethical and political issues to the students. Paul Berg is also mentioned in the article. (registration required)
This segment discussed the ethical issues surrounding the first-ever face transplant, recently done in France. David Magnus was interviewed.
Eggs, Lies, Stem Cells
This article discusses the controversy surrounding a South Korean researcher who recently announced plans for an international consortium to generate hundreds of stem cell lines. David Magnus is quoted.