In The News
April 2005
Wichita Eagle (Wichita, Kan)
Taking Stem Cell Rules Even Further The National Academy of Sciences has proposed ethical guidelines for research with human embryonic stem cells. David Magnus discusses them in this San Jose Mercury News opinion piece, which also appears in the Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Fla.), Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, Ga.), Duluth News Tribune (Duluth, Minn.), Fort Wayne News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Grand Forks Herald (Grand Forks, N.D.), Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington, Ky.), Myrtle Beach Sun News (Myrtle Beach, S.C.), Tallahassee Democrat (Tallahassee, Fla.) and the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.).
San Jose Mercury News
Taking Stem Cell Rules Even Further
The National Academy of Sciences has proposed ethical guidelines for research with human embryonic stem cells. Art Caplan, director for the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania and David Magnus discuss them in this opinion piece. (Registration required)
New York Times
Group Of Scientists Drafts Rules On Ethics For Stem Cell Research
The National Academy of Sciences proposed ethical guidelines yesterday for research with human embryonic stem cells. Irving Weissman, the Karel and Avice Beekhuis Professor of Cancer Biology, and Hank Greely are included in this article on the guidelines. Weissman is also quoted in articles in the San Francisco Chronicle, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and ScienceNow; and Weissman, Greely and David Magnus are included in a front-page San Jose Mercury News article. Theo Palmer, assistant professor of neurosurgery, also provides comment for the Sacramento Bee. (Registration may be required)
Edmonton Journal (Canada)
Clone Wars: Healthy Beasts Or Deformed Monsters?
David Magnus provides comment in this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article on pet cloning. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact 723-6911.)
When Cultures Clash
Cultural differences often make it difficult for physicians and patients to communicate. This article discusses Maren Grainger-Monsen's documentary on the difficulties of overcoming cultural barriers in treating patients. It also quotes Maren Grainger-Monsen. (For a faxed copy of the article, please contact 723-6911.)
Nashua Telegraph
Searching For Why We Buy
Psychologists and economists are using sophisticated brain scanners to gain insight into people's preferences for products and politicians. Judy Illes is quoted in this article, which originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times.
San Francisco Chronicle
Biology, Technology In Conflict
David Magnus comments on the case of a San Francisco fertility doctor who implanted the wrong embryos in a Campbell woman and didn't tell her for 18 months.
New York Times
The Other Stem Cell Debate
Irving Weissman, the Karel and Avice Beekhuis Professor of Cancer Biology, and Hank Greely are prominently featured in this article on stem cell research and chimeras. The article appeared in the Sunday magazine. (registration required)
Forum (KQED-FM), a statewide online organ-donation registry, was launched this week. David Magnus discussed organ donation during a live segment.
Stanford Daily
Business, Academic Ties Outed
This article discusses "University, Inc.," a new book on corporate-university relations. A conflict-of-interest study from Mildred Cho is discussed; Garry Nolan, associate professor of microbiology and immunology, is also referenced.
USA Today
Breast Cancer Prevention Study Spotlights Debate Over Drug Trials
Hank Greely provides comment in this article on clinical trials.
Chicago Tribune
CT-Scan Skeptics
Judy Illes is referenced in this brief article on whole-body scans.
San Francisco Chronicle
Living Wills/ A Wake-Up Call For Many On Living Wills
David Magnus is quoted in this article on living wills.
Stanford Daily
Panel Discusses Schiavo Case
The legal and ethical dilemmas surrounding the Terri Schiavo case was the subject of a panel discussion here yesterday. David Magnus is quoted in the article.