SCBE In The News
September 2004
Clarence Braddock, M.D., SCBE Faculty member, was recently an invited panelist for a program put on by the American Medical Association Council (AMA Council) on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, entitled, "Strong Opinions: Selections from the AMA Code of Medical Ethics." The panel was convened to commemorate World Ethics Day, and included bioethicists from around the country, including Art Derse, M.D., JD, Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Bioethics at the Medical College of Wisconsin and President-Elect of American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH), Steve Latham, Director of the Center for Health Law and Policy at the Quinnipiac University School of Law. During the program, the panelists commented on noteworthy opinions in the Code of Medical Ethics, and its role in the field.
Orange County Register
Giving birth to debate
David Magnus provides comment in this article on the ethical debate between the use of embryos in stem cell research and in-vitro fertilization. (registration required)
Taipei Times (Taiwan),
Girls are pink and boys are blue?
This article discusses a condition that causes sex chromosomes, external genitals and internal reproductive systems to not strictly fit the male or female standard. Bruce Buckingham and Katrina Karkazis provide comment.
New York Times
When Gender Isn't A Given
This article discusses congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a condition that causes sex chromosomes, external genitals and internal reproductive systems to not strictly fit the male or female standard. Katrina Karkazis provides comment. (registration required)
Chronicle of Higher Education
NIH Awards $20 million in grants for studies of ethical, legal and social aspects of genomics
The Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics is one of four groups in the country to receive NIH grants to support study of the ethical, legal and social issues raised by genetic and genomic research. The Stanford group received $3.8 million to establish a program called the Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics. The grant is also mentioned in a story that appeared in Crain's Cleveland Business.
This program, a repeat of a broadcast on National Public Radio, deals with technologies for exploring the human brain that may soon be used in daily life. Judy Illes was interviewed.
Stanford Report
Ethical implications of genetic research is focus of new Stanford Center
Bioethics researchers at Stanford have received a $3.8 million grant from the National Human Genome Research Institute to establish a center of excellence to study the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic research.