Long-term Storage

The Stanford Biobank currently spans across nearly 200 biorepositories and over a half million stored vials, of which all are tracked centrally through our state-of-the-art software solutions. In addition, the Biobank also manages data infrastructure and provides physical storage for several large multi-site efforts.

On This Page

  • Overview
  • Recommendations
  • Personnel
  • Physical Storage


Our long-term storage solutions are flexible and cost-effective for academic biobanks of all sizes. We can manage half or all of your inventory at our facility. For local investigators, we have options for supporting you directly in your lab. Our facility is equipped with 24/7 monitoring, and Biobank personnel are trained for rapid retrievals of inventory managed through our central inventory system. We can distribute specimens back to your lab, collaborators per your approvals, or vendors for analysis.


For those of you requiring to keep the samples near you, we recommend splitting your inventory in half. That way, you can have samples on hand for immediate analysis while archival material is safe at a remote location. After all, why risk your life’s work should a freezer meltdown or natural disaster occur?


Biobank technicians are all trained on ISBER Best Practices to ensure quality handling and management of samples and freezers. This is supplemented by Stanford Biobank SOPs to ensure specific day-to-day operations are tracked and logged, including appropriate data capture into BiobankPro by the central clinical research lab.

Physical Storage

  • 1,700+ sq. ft local storage and offsite facilities readily scalable
  • 80C freezers
  • LN2 freezers
  • Reallocation and distribution space
  • Predictive analytical sensors on all freezers to monitor temperature and compressor health