Upcoming Events
AXYS 2021 Virtual Family Conference
June 21-June 27, 2021 | Zoom
Join us on Zoom to attend the AXYS 2021 Virtual Family Conference. The BGAP Study is thrilled to be participating again this year. If you have any questions about the study, you can find us in a few sessions. We are also presenting preliminary findings from year 1 BGAP data. Swing by the virtual sessions to learn more!
Year 2 Testing Begins
We have officially begun year 2 testing! For Stanford participants, we are completing all behavioral questionnaires and most of our cognitive assessments remotely via Zoom video sessions. Families will then be asked to attend an abbreviated in-person visit to complete the MRI scan, blood draw, and pubertal exam. Families may also be asked to visit a local testing center to complete the blood draw. Traveling families will be invited for testing on Stanford's campus when it is feasible to travel. We are looking forward to working with all of our families again this year and are so appreciative of everyone's time and flexibility during these unprecedented times.
Remote Testing Options
Our team has been working hard to advance our knowledge of puberty and its effects on brain and behavioral development during these challenging times. To reduce the amount of in person time required to complete our study, we now complete many of our assessments, including behavioral questionnaires and cognitive tests, remotely via video visits. Please help us stay productive while making your contribution to scientific progress from the comfort of your own home! To get involved, click here to contact us and begin the eligibility screening process. Thank you so much and best wishes for you and your family!
Past Events
AXYS California Support Group Meeting & Presentation by Stanford's Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research
03/28/2021 3-5pm | Zoom
Join us on Zoom to attend our talk - Social and emotional function in adolescents with Klinefelter syndrome: Examining the role of testosterone and the brain. Drs. Foland-Ross and Reiss will present an overview of the latest research on the social and emotional profile of 47,XXY, as well as an overview of the BGAP Study, which aims to clarify the influence of testosterone replacement therapy on behavioral and neurodevelopmental outcomes in adolescents with Klinefelter syndrome.
Inclusive School Group Resource Fair
02/01/2020 9:00-1:30pm | San Francisco, CA
The Inclusive Schools Group is a consortium of K-12 schools that support neurodiversity. We are committed to organizing and sharing information about school events, programs, and related resources in order to guide families in finding the best school fit for their children.
The event is free and open to all families that reside in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please stop by to learn more about our study and inclusive schools in the area.
Learning Challenges Resource Fair
01/21/2020 6:00-8:00pm | Mountain View, CA
Come to the 5th Learning Challenges Resource Fair, a joint project between SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenges Committee.
All families are invited! They have providers from a wide variety of areas, from tutoring services to summer camps, speech therapists to art and music programs, social skills programs to lawyers and advocates and many more. Plus you get a chance to learn more about our study and check if you son is eligible to participate. Remember, all eligible familes receive comprehensive reports of the testing we conduct!
AXYS SF Bay Area Annual Family Picnic
09/29/2019 12:00-3:00pm | Moutain View, CA
Please join us for this event that includes all X and Y chromosome variations and age groups. Family members, partners, related professionals and friends are welcome. Look for the yellow balloons. Bring any food or drink to share- whatever feels easy or fun. Bagels and cream cheese will be provided.
12:00-1:00 Socialization activities, potluck
1:00-1:30 Group introductions, announcements of research and upcoming support group events
1:30-3:00 Socialization activities, potluck continues
Hope to see you there to enjoy the sunshine and company, and to learn more about our ongoing research study.
Family Fun Day 2019
09/29/2019 3:00-5:00pm | Mitchell Park - Palo Alto, CA
Please join us at the Palo Alto CAC’s annual Family Fun Day!
Free pizza, popsicles, face painting, bubble fun, lawn games and more. Coaches will lead the kids in games and fun. Parents can socialize with other families. Meet PAUSD’s Special Education staff and others. Spanish and Mandarin translators available.
All families of children with IEPs, 504s, or learning differences are invited. Children & their parent or other adult, along with siblings of all ages and family members are welcome.
Drop by for some fun and to learn about our research study!
AXYS Family Confernce
06/29-06/30/2019 | Atlanta, GA
Top researchers and clinicians shared the latest knowledge so families could gain a greater understanding of X and Y conditions and take home practical information about the conditions and how they affect all ages.
Parents Place Family Fun Day
04/28/2019 11am-1:30pm | Palo Alto, CA
Celebrate families and young children at Parents Place Family Fun Day on Sunday, April 28th! Bounce in our toddler fun zone, rock out to live music, sample a tasty treat, and play at one of the many children’s activity tables, sponsored by our community partners. Meet our parenting experts and pop into one of our 20-minute mini-workshops on everything from positive discipline to toileting tips, while your children enjoy our playroom. FREE for kids of all ages (and their grown-ups too!).
Attend the event to meet our research team and learn more about our study!
The 2019 Information and Resource Conference
04/13/2019 8:30am-3:30pm | San Francisco, CA
Hosted by Support for Famlies of Children with Disabilities. This is a FREE conference for families of children with disabilities, the professionals who work with them, and members of the community.
Please visit their website for a full listing of workshop descriptions.
Come out and hear more about our study and win some fun prizes!
AXYS Bay Area Support Group Meeting
01/27/2019 | Stanford Campus
AXYS (The Association for X and Y Chromosome Variations) is an advocacy, education and support organization for individuals with X and Y chromosome variations and their families. We are hosting their upcoming SF Bay Area Support Group meeting on the Stanford campus. During this meeting Dr. Allan Reiss, who is leading the BGAP Study, will be presenting neuroimaging findings from studies focused on Klinefelter syndrome. Additionally, Dr. Tandy Aye, who is also contributing to our study, will be discussing endocrinological and treatment issues regarding Klinefelter syndrome.
Inclusion Collaborative
10/24/2018-10/26/2018 | San Jose, CA
The 5th Annual Inclusion Collaborative State Conference is an interactive and reflective educational opportunity to understand and learn evidenced based practices for individuals involved in the care and education of children from prenatal to age 24 with and without disabilities to create or enhance equity, diversity and inclusive practices in their respective programs and communities in which they live.