What we're doing to keep you safe

Density Rules and Social Distancing

  • We follow strict density guidelines set by Santa Clara County. As such, we limit the number of people allowed in any given building and room at one time
  • We maintain social distancing (6 feet between all people) as much as possible
  • All participants and staff are required to wear their masks the entire time they are on campus


  • All surfaces and equipment are sanitized before and after use
  • Staff and participants sanitize their hands before entering buildings
  • Staff and participants sanitize their hands before and after completing assessments

Health Checks

  • We check to ensure all of our families fall in the low-risk category
  • We check families' recent travel
  • We check for any symptoms 24-48 hours prior to scheduled testing
  • We check for any symptoms again 1-2 hours prior to scheduled testing
  • Our staff is fully vaccinated and tested for COVID-19 weekly to support the safety of our participants. Additionally, we complete daily health checks of our own including symptom and travel attestations.