Medical Scholars
The Beckman Center Medical Scholars Program was established in 1997 to support outstanding young medical students.
Pairing Medical Students and Established Researchers
Medical students chosen for the Medical Scholars Program do translational biomedical research under the direction of a Program in Molecular and Genetic Medicine faculty member. Support for these physician scientists is aligned with the Beckman Center’s goal of supporting and mentoring promising young researchers and ensuring that the results of basic and applied research are made broadly available for clinical use and practical application.
The program targets medical students engaged in projects appropriate to the Beckman Center’s mission, and selection is made, with the approval of the Beckman Center director, by the Medical Scholars Committee of the Stanford Medical Scholars Program, which is composed of leading PMGM faculty members drawn from the basic and clinical sciences in the School of Medicine.
Student awardees are required to make an oral presentation of project results to an audience of their faculty advisor and others with expertise in the field, and must also prepare a written summary of their project results.
The Application Process
Medical students interested in applying to the Medical Scholars Program should contact the Office of Medical Education. Applications are reviewed annually.
Meet the Beckman Center Medical Scholars
Current Beckman Center Medical Scholars
Qusay Omran
Project: A Novel Approach to E3 Ligase Substrate Discovery Using a CRISPR-based Genetic Circuit
Jacqueline Yao
Project: Assessing Ototoxicity and Potency of Designer Aminoglycosides
Previous Beckman Center Medical Scholars
Carmel G. McCullough
Project: GMP Manufacturing of Autologous Esophageal Epithelial Cells for the Prevention of Esophageal Strictures
Katherine Prothro
Project: Pericytes: A Cell of Origin in Pulmonary Hypertension
Guan Qiang Li
Project: Elucidating the Role of Resistin in the Immune Microenvironment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and in Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Homeostasis
Carmel G. McCullough
Project: GMP Manufacturing of Autologous Esophageal Epithelial Cells for the Prevention of Esophageal Strictures
Katherine Prothro
Project: Pericytes: A Cell of Origin in Pulmonary Hypertension
Kristian Erich Bauer-Rowe Ramos
Project: Identifying the Role of Mesenteric Adipocyte Remodeling in Intestinal Fibrosis
Ekaterina (Katia) Tkachenko
Project: Molecular Profiling of the Viral and Host Reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adult Population
Deborah Deija Tsao
Project: Discovering Insulin-Resistance and Drug Target Gene Function using Drosophila Genetic Screens
Kristian Erich Bauer-Rowe Ramos
Project: Identifying the Role of Mesenteric Adipocyte Remodeling in Intestinal Fibrosis
Anthony S. Buzzanco III
Project: Synthesis of a Proximity Ligation-Based Reporter for the Characterization of Afucosylated IgG
Ekaterina (Katia) Tkachenko
Project: Molecular Profiling of the Viral and Host Reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adult Population
Deborah Deija Tsao
Project: Discovering Insulin-Resistance and Drug Target Gene Function using Drosophila Genetic Screens
Razina Aziz-Bose
Project: Role of the Nogo Receptor in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Invasion
Heather Elizabeth desJardins-Park
Project: Establishing the Molecular Basis of the Engrailed-1-Positive Fibroblast Scarring Phenotype
Mollie Friedlander
Project: Investigating the Function and Regulation of Neuromedin U (a Candidate Mammalian Decretin Hormone)
Karthik Nathan
Project: Temporal Modulation of Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Polarized Macrophages to Enhance Osteogenesis
Marc J. Carmichael
Project: The Role of Cytokine-Induced MHC Class 1 Expression in the Regulation of Cortical Network Activity and Connectivity
Mollie Friedlander
Project: Investigating the Function and Regulation of Neuromedin U (a Candidate Mammalian Decretin Hormone)
Paige Qin
Project: 26 Years Under the Ryan White CARE Act: How Did Black Men Living with HIV/AIDS Fare?
Daniel T. Rogan
Project: Elevated Cell-Free DNA as a Predictor of Poor Outcomes in Emergency Department Sepsis Patients
Sara Aziz
Project: The Neural Signatures of Abnormal Motor Behavior in Parkinson's Disease
Marc J. Carmichael
Project: The Role of Cytokine-Induced MHC Class 1 Expression in the Regulation of Cortical Network Activity and Connectivity
Ryan Gallagher
Project: Building Brain Connectivity Maps of Emotional Regulatory Networks Using Multichannel-EEG and Single-Pulse TMS in Healthy Subjects
Layton Lamsam
Project: RADIUS Point-of-Care Ultrasonography is More Sensitive Than Chest Radiograph for Detecting Etiology of Unexplained Acute Dyspnea in the Emergency Department
Matthew Li
Project: Integrated Gene Expression Meta-Analysis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Caroline Yu
Project: Abnormal Eye Movement in Parkinson's Disease
Megan Garland
Project: Investigating Drug Enhancement of Toxoplasma Gondii Invasion
Mia Kanak
Project: Clinical Use and Pilot Experience at Stanford Children's Health of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Improve Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Reflux and Dyspepsia
Katherine Ransohoff
Project: Genome-Wide Association Study for Skin Cancer
Megan Garland
Project: Investigating Drug Enhancement of Toxoplasma Gondii Invasion
Anuja Singh
Project: Vaccinating to a Healthier Future: The Importance of Influenza and Tdap Vaccinations for the Health of Mother and Child
Megan Garland
Project: Investigating Drug Enhancement of Toxoplasma Gondii Invasion
Nicko Josten
Project: Nociceptive Role of NaV1.7 in a Rodent Model of Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Lori Lee
Project: Therapeutic Intervention for Childhood Antecedents of Asthma
Cassie Ludwig
Project: Acute Lung Injury in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: National Inpatient Sample Study
Anuja Singh
Project: Vaccinating to a Healthier Future: The Importance of Influenza and Tdap Vaccinations for the Health of Mother and Child
Frank Chen
Project: Characterizing the Role of the Notch Pathway in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Progression
Abdullah Feroze
Project: Use of Ketoprofen to Treat Advanced Lymphatic Filariasis
Grace Kim
Project: Characterization of Hair Cell Regeneration in Mouse Utricle In Vitro
Matthew Mansh
Project: Zinc-Finger Nuclease Enhanced Gene Correction of B-Globin Sickle Cell Mutations in Human ES Cells
David Attarzadeh
Project: Biodesign: Redesigning the Treatment of Heart Failure
Jesse Karmazin
Project: iPS Gene Correction of Cell-Based Treatment of Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
Gary Green
Project: Examining a Key Developmental Pathway that May Control the Fate of Stem Cells in the Inner Ear
Gary Green
Project: Examining a Key Developmental Pathway that May Control the Fate of Stem Cells in the Inner Ear
Ricky Tong
Project: Phase I Clinical Trial Examining the Effectiveness of Combination Therapy Using Avastin in Conjunction with Chemotherapy and Radiation in Treating Patients with Rectal Cancer
Ricky Tong
Project: Phase I Clinical Trial Examining the Effectiveness of Combination Therapy Using Avastin in Conjunction with Chemotherapy and Radiation in Treating Patients with Rectal Cancer
Louis Saddic
Project: Acute Loss of RB Family Members in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Milica Margeta
Project: Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Specificity Between C. Elegans Enteric Muscles and the Human Motor Neurons Involved in Contraction
Megan Insco
(No project title available)
Milica Margeta
Project: Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Specificity Between C. Elegans Enteric Muscles and the Human Motor Neurons Involved in Contraction
Yingbing Wang
(No project title available)
Victor Tubbesing
Project: How the Arterial Wall Adapts to Changes in Blood Flow and Ways to Improve Conduits Used for Bypass Grafts
Yuan (Andy) Zhang
Project: Modulation of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta in a Scarless Flexor Tendon Wound Healing
Daniel Chavira
Project: Study on Thrombin and Inflammation in Atrial Fibrillation
Jennifer Junkermeier
Project: Survey of Gene Expression in the Anatomical Compartments of the Human Eye Using cDNA Microarrays
Arthur Lee
Project: Identification of Gigaxonin Protein Interactions in Myocardium
Victor Tubbesing
Project: Tissue Engineering Small-Caliber Grafts for Vascular Bypass
Subarna Biswas
Project: Examination of the Antisense Knockdown and Analysis of Thalamic GABAB Receptor in a Rodent Model
Peter Jun
Project: Study of Smoothened Function Related to Its Subcellular Protein Localization in a Mammalian System
Lori Lee
Project: Therapeutic Intervention for Childhood Antecedents of Asthma
Ajit Mahapadra
Project: Comparison of Gene Expression Patterns Utilizing cDNA Micorarrays in Chronic Renal Rejection and Chronic Vasculopathy Animal Mode
Brooke Maylie
Project: The Novel Action of B3 Inactivation on Episodic Ataxia Mutations and Kv1
Saurabh Prakesh
Project: Microarray Analysis of the Target Genes of Zebrafish, Squint, and Cyclops
Daniel Chao
Project: The Use of Capillary Electrophoresis and Mast Cell Biosensors in the Analysis of Single Synaptic Vesicles
John Lyo
Project: The Structure and Function of AcaA Protein from the Pathogenic Bacterium L. Monocytogenes
Marmar Vaseghi
Project: Potential Pathogenetic Roles of a Beta Peptide in Alzheimer's Disease
Amy Wagelie-Steffen
Project: Neutrophil CD1 1b Expression as a Diagnostic Marker of Infection in Obstetric Patients
Andy Zhang
Project: The Search for a Genetic Model for Gestational Diabetes to Study the Proteins Involved in Pancreas Development
Chaya Bhuvaneswar
Project: Examine Whether Culturally Sensitive Health Education Interventions for South Asian Immigrant Women in the San Francisco Bay Area Will Lead to Increased Primary Care Access
Jelena Burress
Project: Identification for Novel Chemoresistance Genes: How New Genes Cause Cells to Become Resistant to Chemotherapy
Nathaniel Evans
Project: Isolation of the Murine Homologue of a Novel Human Transcription Factor
Shireen Ghaed
Project: The Role of Beta 4 Integrin in Keratinocyte Function
Marc J. Lee
Project: Rod Photoreceptor Differentiation: A Role for the FGF Receptor
Cynthia Leung
Project: Prevalence of Alcohol in Work-Site Injuries: Consistency and Accuracy of Emergency Department Reporting
Jared Magnani
Project: Approaches to Patient Care at the End-of-Life Among Primary Care Physicians, Oncologists, and Cardiologists
Feyza Marouf
Project: Examination of Cortisol Rhythmicity, Hippocampal Volume, and Memory in 50 with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Derik Moore
(No project title available)
Sarah Schmidt
Project: Enteropathogenic E. Coli (EPEC)