Lucy Shapiro, Ph.D., director of the Beckman Center (center), and Jon Mulholland, CSIF director (on Dr. Shapiro's left), meet with faculty and students.
The Beckman Center supports multidisciplinary programs that promote discovery and innovation in the basic sciences and the translation of discoveries into new diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
The Program in Molecular and Genetic Medicine
The Beckman Center established the Program in Molecular and Genetic Medicine (PMGM), a scientific cooperative that includes more than 200 scientists from the School of Medicine and campus departments of Biology, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Applied Physics. The PMGM is guided by an advisory board, with members drawn from the schools of Medicine, Engineering, and Humanities and Sciences. The advisory board meets on an ad hoc basis to provide input on new program development and to evaluate seed grant applications for funding.
The PMGM creates and supports multidisciplinary programs that help translate the discoveries of the laboratory into new treatment protocols and introduce innovative new technologies and methodologies to both basic science research and clinical medicine. These programs bring together faculty with diverse perspectives and offer a unique training ground for pre- and postdoctoral researchers and medical students.
Four Areas of Concentration
Technology Development
The Beckman Center provides seed grant funding for innovative and high-risk, high-reward research projects that focus on the development of new biomedical technologies.
The Beckman Center funds programs that highlight research, share information about new research tools, and train researchers in the use of innovative new technologies.
Faculty Recruitment
The Beckman Center funds the recruitment of highly promising new research faculty whose collaborative, interdisciplinary, translational work mirrors the center’s mission and goals.
Medical Scholars
The Beckman Center mentors and supports outstanding medical students who wish to combine their clinical training with innovative research in the biomedical sciences.