Research Collaboration
Join us to research Complementary & Integrative Health
Research Collaboration
We welcome opportunities to partner with other researchers and scientists. We have experience in multi-site studies, reciprocal participant recruitment, and data sharing. Our research team includes experts in neuroscience, neurodegenerative disease, trauma, and chronic illness. We have received funding from the National Institute of Health and the National Institue for Complementary & Integrative Health and conducted research with Veteran and non-Veteran populations. Researchers in with commensurate areas of interest are encouraged to contact Dr. Peter Bayley with research proposals.
Center for Innovation to Implementation
Collaboration with the Center for Innovation to Implementation at the VA Palo Alto trial of yoga and chronic pain for Veterans
Health Services Research & Development
Collaboration with the Health Services Research & Development at the VA Palo Alto trial of meditation for Veterans with PTSD
Brain Health Registry
Collaboration with the Brain Health Registry at UCSF on a trial of yoga and chronic pain for people living with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.
Click here to view and register for upcoming cyberseminars by Health Services Research & Development.
Early Career
If you are an early career researcher looking for mentorship and collaboration in grant applications, please contact Dr. Peter Bayley with an expression of interest.
Research Into Gulf War Illness
Lisa McAndrew, PhD, Director of the Behavioral Health Research Lab at VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, discusses two HSR&D-funded projects that focus on different aspects of mental health treatment and Gulf War Illness.
Support Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Ivette (Maggie) Freytes, PhD, talks about her work developing a community-based resource guide to refer Veterans at risk for suicide to VA care.