For Supervisors - Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I reclassify (or promote) an employee?
A. First, contact Elsie Wang, who can assist with a preliminary assessment to determine if an employee's job description/requirements merits a job reclassification. Secondly, get approval from the project's principal investigator and complete a Position Summary Form. Then, the PI should send a memo (e-mail) requesting the reclassification, along with the completed Position Summary Form and the employee's current resume to Elsie Wang. This process requires multiple levels of approval, and takes a minimum of 8 weeks to process.

Q. How do I change percent effort (FTE) for one of my employees?
A. To increase or reduce an employee's total effort (e.g., from 100% to 80% FTE), print and complete the FTE Change Memo and send it to Elsie Wang for review prior to the effective date. Once approved, complete an Employee Work Schedule and send the schedule to Elsie Wang.

Note: To redistribute the current effort among different projects, send the information to the appropriate financial analyst for your project(s) (i.e., total amount FTE remains unchanged, only distribution of accounts changes).

Q. What is the policy on vacations?
A. Stanford University policy on vacations is available through the Administrative Guide Memo 22.5. The University's time and leave recording policiescan be found in the Administrative Guide Memo 22.4.

Q. How do I report an accident?
A. Any on-the-job accidents should be reported immediately to Elsie Wang at 723-7849 (after following appropriate emergency procedures). See Health & Safety section for more information.

Q. What do I do if there is a problem between staff members?
A. Supervisors should assist staff with problems. However, Elsie Wang (723-7849) is available to assist with difficult or ongoing problems and should be consulted early in this process.

Q. What is the Stanford policy on bereavement leave?
A. When there is a death of an eligible close family member of an employee, the employee is allowed up to five days of paid leave. More information in the Administrative Guide Memo 22.7.

Q. What do I do when an employee resigns?
A. When an employee notifies their supervisor of their intent to resign their position, the supervisor should:

  1. Request a written letter of resignation (if not already provided; in the body of an e-mail from the employee is OK);
  2. Ensure that a copy of this letter is provided to Elsie Wang, HRM;
  3. Determine if a new employee will need to be recruited to fill the position, and notify Elsie Wang; and 
  4. Review the Resignation Checklist on the ASG web site with the employee to ensure that all of the steps are completed in a timely way, and sign the form where indicated, prior to the employee's last day of work.