ARTS News & Awards


April 9, 2020
Asiri Ediriwickrema has been awarded an NIH F32 grant for his research entitled, "Single cell characterization of human acute myeloid leukemia".

Congratulations, Asiri!


June 2019
Research from ARTS Fellow Stephen Chang highlighted in Nature News Feature

February 2019
Makeda Robinson, MD, is first author on a paper published in Cell Reports that predicts the severity of dengue fever. The research is highlighted on the Stanford Medicine website.


Jonathan Lee, resident from the Department of Psychiatry has been accepted into the ARTS Program.

Congratulations, Jonathan!


Eugene Richardson has been appointed as Instructor in Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

Congratulations, Eugene!

Asiri Ediriwickrema, fellow from the Department of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), has been accepted into the ARTS Program.

Congratulations, Asiri!

Deshka Foster, resident in the Department of Surgery, has been accepted into the ARTS Program.

Congratulations, Deshka!


Charles Gawad accepted a faculty position at St. Jude Children's Hospital.

Congratulations, Chuck!

Makeda Robinson, resident from the Department of Medicine, has been accepted into the ARTS Program.

Congratulations, Makeda!


Charles Gawad received the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Special Fellow Award.

Congratulations, Chuck!


Haruka Itakura received a Stanford Cancer Center grant for her research entitled "Predicting VTE Risk in GI Cancer Patients Using Plasma Biomarkers".

Congratulations, Haruka!


Holbrook Kohrt received the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Special Fellow Award in Clinical Research.

Congratulations, Holbrook!

Arghavan Salles received the Stanford University School of Education Dissertation Support Grant. The grant is to support dissertation research conducted by students in the School of Education.

Congratulations, Arghavan!


Holbrook Kohrt received the the following awards:

-2010 Dean's Fellowship Award for his proposal "Leukemia-peptide Vaccination of Allogeneic Transplant Donors & Recipients with Hematologic Malignancies"
-American Society of Clinical Oncology, Young Investigator's More  Award (ASCO YIA)

-2010 Deborah L. Faiman Young Investigator's Award
-American Society of Hematology (ASH) Scholar Award

Congratulations, Holbrook!



Holbrook Kohrt was selected for a T32 Training Grant "Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation" - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award.

Congratulations, Holbrook!


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