Advanced Clinical Experience (ACE) in Pediatric Anesthesiology Medical Education

The Pediatric Anesthesiology Division at Stanford offers a one-year Advanced Clinical Experience (ACE) focused on medical education within Pediatric Anesthesiology for Clinical Instructors. This 12-month program includes coursework in learning theories with completion of a medical education certificate program, capstone project, and extensive clinical teaching opportunities. The advanced training responsibilities in medical education require efforts at divisional, School of Medicine, and national levels.

Medical Education Curriculum (approximately 20 hours/week):

  • Completion of a Medical Education Teaching certificate program for health professionals
  • Completion of the Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship (SHAPES) Program or an approved equivalent program
  • Completion of scholarly capstone project, with contribution to a national conference
  • Focused teaching concentration in a clinical group:
    • Medical students rotating on Anesthesiology or Pediatric Anesthesiology clerkships
    • Anesthesiology Resident education
    • Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellow education

Clinical Work (approximately 20 hours/week):

During the ACE year, the Clinical Instructor will attend at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, providing anesthesia to a wide range of surgical patients and gaining experience in intraoperative teaching of medical students, residents, and fellows.


Benefits are highly competitive and ACE Clinical Instructors are eligible for incentive payments for clinical care beyond the required commitment. Further details available upon request.

Application Process:

Please email your interest to the pediatric anesthesiology administration at and include:

  • 1 page cover letter including your motivation for applying to ACE in Pediatric Anesthesiology Medical Education
  • Curriculum vitae
  • 3 letters of recommendation

ACE in Pediatric Anesthesiology Medical Education Graduates:

  • Jonathan Barnett, M.D. (2022-2023)
  • Jamie LaGrandeur, M.D. (2025-2026)

ACE in Pediatric Anesthesiology Medical Education Graduates

  • Jonathan Barnett, M.D. (2022-2023)
  • Jamie LaGrandeur, M.D. (2025-2026)