Musical Performance
2020 Art & Anesthesia Soirée
Cover of "Tones and I - Dance Monkey" performed by Christiaan D'Souza, Son of Genevieve D'Souza, MD
Christiaan D'souza is the son of Genevieve D'souza, MD, a Clinical Professor at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine. Christiaan is covering “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I (drums).
Cover of "Abraham Goldfaden - Raisins and Almonds" performed by Evangeline D'Souza, Daughter of Genevieve D'Souza, MD
Evangeline D'souza is the daughter of Genevieve D'souza, MD, a Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine. Evangeline is playing "Raisins and Almonds" by Abraham Goldfaden (Piano).
Performed by Jennifer Rose Basarab-Tung, MD
Notes from Jennifer Rose Basarab-Tung, MD:
“O Zittre Nicht” is the first and lesser known of the Queen of the Night’s two arias in Mozart’s The Magic Flute. In this aria, the Queen tells Tamino a misleading tale of her daughter Pamina’s abduction by Sarastro, then implores him to rescue Pamina from her kidnapper.
This performance took place in January 2020 and was especially meaningful to me as it was my last vocal performance before our COVID-induced hiatus as well as the debut of my highest note (F6). It’s not perfect, but More I’m proud of the work I put into it, and I think I succeeded in conveying the dramatic emotional swings of this aria. I put my heart and soul into this performance and am proud to be able to share it with my Stanford Anesthesia colleagues.
Lyrics: | Translation: |
O zittre nicht, mein lieber Sohn! | Oh, do not tremble, my dear son! |
Du bist unschuldig, weise, fromm; | You are guiltless, wise, and pious. |
Ein Jüngling, so wie du, vermag am besten, | A young man like you is best able |
Dies tief betrübte Mutterherz zu trösten. | to comfort the deeply distressed heart of a mother. |
Zum Leiden bin ich auserkohren; | Suffering is my lot, |
Denn meine Tochter fehlet mir, | for my daughter is not with me. |
Durch sie ging all mein Glück verloren - | Through her I have lost all my happiness; |
Ein Bösewicht entfloh mit ihr. | a villain made off with her. |
Noch seh' ich ihr Zittern | I still see her trembling |
Mit bangem Erschüttern, | with alarm and shock, |
Ihr ängstliches Beben | quivering with anxiety, |
Ihr schüchternes Streben. | struggling timidly. |
Ich musste sie mir rauben sehen, | I had to see her stolen from me, |
Ach helft! war alles was sie sprach: | "Ah help!" was all she said; |
Allein vergebens war ihr Flehen, | but her pleading was in vain, |
Denn meine Hülfe war zu schwach. | for my aid was too feeble. |
You will go to free her, | |
Du wirst sie zu befreien gehen, | you will be the rescuer of my daughter. |
Du wirst der Tochter Retter sein. | And if I see you as victor, |
Und werd ich dich als Sieger sehen, | then may she be yours forever |
So sei sie dann auf ewig dein. |
Jennifer Rose Basarab-Tung, MD is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine.
Performed by Lynn Ngai Gerber, MD
Lynn Ngai Gerber, MD is a Regional Anesthesia Fellow at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine.
Performed by Lynn Ngai Gerber, MD
Lynn Ngai Gerber, MD is a Regional Anesthesia Fellow at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine.
Cover of "Adele's - Turning Tables" performed by Nikki Erber
Nikki Erber is the Administrative Associate to the Chairman at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine. She is covering “Turning Tables” by Adele.
Cover of "Journey's - Who's Crying Now" performed by Nikki Erber
Nikki Erber is the Administrative Associate to the Chairman at Stanford’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine. She is covering “Who’s Crying Now” by Journey.