May 17 May 17
Thursday Thu


Special Guest Lecture by Dr. Antoine Deschildre

10:30 am - 11:30 am

You're invited to attend a special presentation by visiting researcher Dr. Antoine Deschildre,  Lille Nord de France University - Institut Pasteur de Lille, France. 

Seating for this event will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Community is encouraged to attend. 


Antoine Deschildre, M.D.
Head of the Children’s Pulmonology and Allergy unit, Lille University Hopital, France 

Dr. Antoine Deschildre is a pediatric chest physician and allergist in France. His research interests are in the field of pediatric respiratory medicine — especially severe asthma and food allergy.

He his head of the Children’s Pulmonology and Allergy unit in Lille University Hopital. He is also the head of the “Cercle d’Investigations Cliniques et Biologiques en allergie Alimentaire (CICBAA)” (french Food Allergy Society for Clinic and Research in food allergy).

He has served on the Research Committees of the “Société Pédiatrique de Pneumologie et Allergologie”. And he is associated with the Lung Infection and Innate Immunity (LI3).Team 8 CIIL - Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille INSERM U 1019 - CNRS UMR 8204 Lille Nord de France University - Institut Pasteur de Lille, France. 


Alway Building, M114 (inside courtyard)
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305

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Alway Building, M114 (inside courtyard)

300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
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