Publication highlight: Retail Food Equivalents for Post-Oral Immunotherapy Dosing in the Omalizumab as Monotherapy and as Adjunct Therapy to Multi-Allergen Oral Immunotherapy in Food-Allergic Children and Adults (OUtMATCH) Clinical Trial

In the recent article by Groetch et al published online this February in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, the authors developed extensive guidelines for the introduction of peanut, milk, egg, wheat, cashew, hazelnut, and walnut into diet of individuals who have completed oral immunotherapy using commonly available retail foods. These guidelines include the different serving sizes that should be consumed from different retail food options to maintain allergic tolerance after immunotherapy completion. These guidelines serve as a valuable post-immunotherapy resource for clinicians and patients as previous studies have highlighted the importance of continued allergen consumption for maintaining the protection provided by oral immunotherapy. Please note that these resources should only be used by individuals who have successfully completed oral immunotherapy or equivalent immunotherapy options as safe consumption of allergic foods requires careful buildup of tolerance which should only be done under the close support of a trained medical team. These resources were developed as part of the ongoing OUtMATCH clinical trial investigating the use of omalizumab with and without oral immunotherapy for the treatment of food allergy. 

By Andrew Chin

Andrew Chin is a scientific grant writer at the Sean N. Parker Center who works closely with Drs. Chinthrajah and Sindher to assist with the Center's manuscripts, grants presentations, and other aspects of scientific writing. His background in basic research allows him to bring complementary insights to the clinical research in the Center.