Contact Us
Clinic Location
SNP Clinic
750 Welch Road, Suite 114 Palo Alto, CA 94304
El Camino Hospital, PEC Tower 4C
2500 Grant Road Mountain View, Ca 94040
Lab Location
Biomedical Innovation Building
240 Pasteur Dr, BMI #1700, Palo Alto, CA 94304
We've Moved!
- The Sean N. Parker Center is very excited to introduce the new Koch Clinic located at 750 Welch Road, Suite 114 Palo Alto, CA 94304. This new state of the art clinic is our new home base for clinic operations for our research center. For questions about your next research visit location, please contact your study coordinator at
COVID Precautions
- See visitor's guidelines below.
- SNP staff are using face coverings and following all recommendations by Stanford Health Care and School of Medicine.
- Additional sanitization measures have been implemented.
- Staff is vaccinated.
Visitor's Guidelines
The Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research at Stanford University was created through the generous support of our philanthropic community and aims to find better treatments for children and adults with allergies and asthma.
Thanks to the generosity of our community, our Center is able to combine laboratory and computational research, clinical trials, and community outreach in order to find the safest, best treatments for allergies and asthma with the ultimate goal of developing a cure.
Support Us
As a contributor to the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research at Stanford University, you will accelerate the scientific research to understand the cause of allergies and asthma. Your gift will be applied towards our pioneering work in the following areas:
Laboratory Research — advancing the scientific understanding of allergies and asthma
Clinical Trials — translating research discoveries into treatments for patients
Ambulatory Clinic — providing multidisciplinary care to patients and families from around the world
Training and Education — working with current allergy leaders and training the next generation
Community Outreach — connecting, educating, and supporting patients and families
Computational Biology Research — collaborating to create and leverage a database of research findings from leading institutions around the world