Genome Technology Club Seminars

The Genome Technology Club will have its focus on recent technical development in Genomics. The aim is to keep us up to date as the field expands and it becomes more difficult to catch up with the literature.

Outstanding researchers from academia and industry will be invited to give talks at the Genome Technology Center. In addition, researchers at Stanford will evaluate recent scientific papers from international journals in talks limited to 30 minutes.

Please let us know if you want to be removed from or added to the following list as a speaker. If you want to change the date of your talk, please contact one of the speakers and do the change and let me know about your new date.
For further information please e-mail Nader Pourmand (pourmand at
We need to be informed about the title of your talk at least one week before your talk.

The seminars take place at the seminar room, Stanford Genome Technology Center. [maps/directions]

2006 Scheduled Speakers and Topics

Past seminar schedules: current, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004

Speaker Affiliation Topic Date Host
Fredrik Dahl SGTC Selector Technology - for multiplex
DNA analysis
Jan 12
11 am
Maneesh Jain Affymetrix Applications of MIP and MRD technology Jan 26
11 am
Nader Pourmand, Guri Giaever
Miles P. Davenport Centre for Vascular Research,
UNSW / Australia
A Complex Systems approach to understanding vaccination and immunity in HIV infection Feb 9 
11 am
Jochen Kumm
Andre Marziali University of British Columbia Novel electrophoretic methods for concentration and analysis of DNA Monday
Feb 13
2 pm
Ronald W. Davis
Andrea Villablanca SGTC From medical genetics to technology
development: application of branch migration assay for mismatch detection
Feb 23
11 am
Mario Geysen University of Virginia Methods in Drug Discovery: Big Pharma's Perspective Mar 7
1 pm
Michael Mindrinos
Ilya Kupershmidt NextBio Maximizing the value of genomic knowledge for biological research Mar 9
11 am
Mostafa Ronaghi
Heng Yu SGTC Immobilization of DNA on Magarray and CPS arrays Mar 23
11 am
Kevin Munnelly Biotrove Inc. The OpenArray Platform: Enabling high-throughput genomics applications in nanoliter-scale volumes
Apr 6 
11 am
Keith Andersen
Maciej F Boni SGTC Identifying recombination from sequence data Apr 20 
11 am
Jochen Kumm
Laura Banaszynski and Sarah Rose Dept. of Molecular Pharmacology, Stanford Univ. Engineering ligand-dependent stability in mammalian cells May 18
10 am
Pete Corish Oxonica Healthcare Surface-Enhanced Raman Nanotags for Multiplexed Bioanalyte Detection Jun 1
11 am
Yvonne Thorstenson
Robert Haushalter Parallel Synthesis Technologies DNA Suspension Arrays Based on Parallume Optical Encoding Jun 29
11 am
Jed Dean SGTC Jed Dean will be discussing the paper "Synthetic gene recruitment reveals adaptive reprogramming of gene regulation in yeast" by Stolovicki E, Dror T, Brenner N, Braun E. Genetics. 2006 May;173(1):75-85. Epub 2006 Mar 1 Jul 13 
11 am
Greg Grant Center for Bioinformatics
University of Pennsylvania
Multiple-sample methodology for analyzing high-resolution
copy-number aberration data
Aug 24
11 am
Hanlee Ji
Simon Fredriksson SGTC Multiplexed Proximity Ligation Sep 7
11 am
Larry Gold SomaLogic High Density, High Sensitivity, Quantitative Protein Detection Sep 14
11 am
Nader Pourmand/
Shan Wang
Bengt Wretlind & Emma Lindbäck Karolinska Institute/Sweden Antibiotic resistance mechanisms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Sept 28
11 am
Michael Akhras
AmirAli H. Talasaz SGTC The Exciting World of Nanopores: From DNA Methylation Detection to Antigen
Oct 19
11 am
Saharnaz Bigdeli SGTC Characterization of Immobilized enzymes on modified gold surfaces Oct 26
11 am
Baback Gharizadeh SGTC The 454 pyrosequencing platform Nov 2
11 am
Jed Dean SGTC Jed Dean will discuss the paper "Optical Imaging of Neuronal Populations During Decision-Making". K. L. Briggman, H. D. I. Abarbanel, W. B. Kristan, Jr. Science 2005; 307(896-901) Nov 30
11 am
last updated June 28, 2011 | for questions regarding this website, please contact webmaster

Schedule / Location

The Genome Technology Club takes place every other Thursday at 11:00 am at the SGTC conference room, unless specified otherwise below.