The Double Edged Sword of Angiogenesis: Cardiovascular and Oncological implications

Feb 07, 2008 (Thu) | 4:00 PM -5:00 PM
Hoover Pavilion, 211 Quarry Road / Farquhar Room, 4th floor : Stanford, CA

Therapeutic angiogenesis is a novel strategy under investigation for treatment of cardiovascular disease. The scientific foundation for therapeutic angiogenesis is strong, and includes growth factor, small molecule and cell-based approaches. However, a potential side effect of such therapies is the unintentional enhancement of pathological neovascularization, and acceleration of malignancy or retinopathy. In this regard, new insights will be presented regarding the role of pathological neovascularization in tobacco-related diseases. These new findings have potential ramifications for treatment that are now being explored in clinical trials.

Department:  Stanford Prevention Research Center

Contact: Susan Ayres | 723-6145 |


  • John P. Cooke, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), Stanford University of Medicine