Opportunities for Using Participatory Research to Inform Chronic Disease Prevention Activities Among Alaska Natives Living in Remote Communities

Jun 12, 2008 (Thu) | 4:00 PM -5:00 PM
Hoover Pavilion, 211 Quarry Road / Farquhar Room, 4th floor : Stanford, CA

Despite an alarming increase in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, Alaska Natives, particularly those living in remote communities, are underrepresented in chronic disease prevention research. This talk will describe some of the most prevalent behavioral risk factors (emphasizing diet and physical activity) among Alaska Natives. Opportunities for using participatory research to develop culturally and ecologically appropriate interventions will also be discussed.

Department:  Stanford Prevention Research Center

Contact: Susan Ayres | 723-6145 | susan.ayres@stanford.edu


  • Andrea Bersamin, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow