CDH & eWEAR Seminar: Health Monitoring

Mar 05, 2019 (Tue) | 4:00 PM -5:00 PM
LKSC Room 120 : Stanford, CA

Join us for our joint seminar with the Wearable Electronics Initiative (eWEAR) to learn about how technology can be used to monitor wellness and diabetes treatments. Dr. Christy Tomkins-Lane, a visiting associate professor in the Wearable Health Lab, will talk about leveraging wearable data to understand and manage health risks in healthcare and insurance. Dr. Marina Basina is a clinical endocrinologist and researcher focused on diabetes management, thyroid, and adrenal conditions, with emphases on type 1 diabetes, diabetes technology, and diabetes in pregnancy. She will speak on the evolution of diabetes technology.

Department:  Center for Digital Health

Contact: Diane Nguyen | 7146091082 |


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