The multifacted roles of TSC-mTOR signaling in neuronal development, function, and disease - Helen Bateup

Jan 31, 2019 (Thu) | 12:00 PM -1:00 PM
318 Campus Drive : Stanford, CA

Research in my lab broadly aims to understand the cellular and molecular basis of neurological and psychiatric disease. We have a particular interest in “mTORopathies”, which are developmental brain disorders caused by mutations in the mTOR signaling pathway that lead to epilepsy, intellectual disability, and autism. To elucidate disease mechanisms for these disorders, we use genetic mouse and human cellular models in combination with a variety of techniques spanning molecular to behavioral. Our goal is to generate a mechanistic understanding of how disease-associated mutations affect the cell biology and physiology of specific types of neurons, and how altered neuronal activity impacts circuit function and behavior.

Department:  Neurosciences Institute

Contact: Roula El-Asmar | 6504978031 |


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