Frontiers in Diabetes Research Symposium Frontiers in Diabetes Research Symposium Frontiers in Diabetes Research Symposium

May 02, 2018 (Wed) | 8:00 AM -5:00 PM
McCaw Hall, Arrillaga Alumni Center : Stanford, CA

Please join us for this annual event held by the Stanford Diabetes Research Center (SDRC). The agenda and registration links are now available at the SDRC website ( The day will be filled with cutting-edge research presentations by SDRC members and guest speakers in organized sessions with key focus areas in diabetes research. In addition, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from SDRC member laboratories will present their work during the poster session. Keynote speaker, Carla J. Greenbaum, M.D., from the Benaroya Research Institute will deliver the guest lecture. Registration is required and open to everyone.

Department:  Stanford Diabetes Research Center

Contact: Kiran Kocherlakota | N/A |


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