David Drubin, "Spatio-Dynamics of Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis in Yeast and Mammals"

Nov 04, 2013 (Mon) | 4:00 PM -6:00 PM
393 Serra Mall, Herrin T-175 : Stanford, CA

Abstract: Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is the best-studied pathway by which cells selectively internalize molecules from the plasma membrane and surrounding environment. We study this process by live-cell microscopy in yeast and mammalian cells. The yeast studies have revealed a regular sequence of events necessary for endocytic vesicle formation involving some 60 proteins, which induce a highly choreographed series of changes in membrane geometry, ultimately resulting in scission and vesicle release. To analyze endocytic dynamics in mammalian cells in which endogenous protein stoichiometry is preserved, we previously targeted zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) to the clathrin light chain A and dynamin-2 genomic loci and generated cell lines expressing fluorescent protein fusions from each locus (1). At the same time, studies in yeast cells have recently focused on discovery of regulatory mechanisms for insuring the proper order and timing of events in the endocytic pathway. Studying the yeast and mammalian systems in parallel is allowing us to translate what is learned from one system to the other.

Department:  Biology

Contact: Maria Magana-Lopez | 650-723-2413 | mmagana@stanford.edu


  • David Drubin UC Berkeley