Continuing Medical Education

PSYCHIATRY GRAND ROUNDS: "Theatrical Vignettes for Asian Parents of Teens: From Targeted Community Project to Media Sensation"

Jun 09, 2016 (Thu) | 12:00 PM -1:00 PM
Li Ka Shing Center, Rm 130; 291 Campus Drive : Stanford, CA

Dr. Hu will lead two theatrical vignettes performed live (with discussion afterwards) in this unique grand rounds presentation designed to raise awareness about Asian Mental Health locally and nationally. Dr. Hu and her team of Stanford psychiatrists (including trainees) perform vignettes in local schools to parents and students. They have also attracted media attention that has helped to spark conversation outside of the classroom about Asian youth mental health.

Department:  Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Contact: Romola L. Breckenridge | (650) 736-1743 |


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