
In keeping with our goal to provide compassionate and safe care to all patients, the LPCH Hospitalist group offers moderate sedation services.  Initiated in 2012 with oversight by anesthesiology, this program has successfully decreased anxiety and pain associated with procedures performed during hospitalization.  Examples of these procedures include central line placements, lumbar punctures, suture removal, dressing changes, and imaging studies.  In addition to providing moderate sedation, our consultation service helps triage patients to the appropriate level of sedation required for procedure completion which, in turn, minimizes risk to patients which can be associated with deeper levels of sedation.

For more information about our sedation program and services, contact Dr. Anna Lin at

Meet the PHM Sedation Team

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics

Additional PHM Sedation Providers

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Professor, Pediatrics Clinical Professor, Emergency Medicine Clinical Professor, Emergency Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Professor, Pediatrics