
Building a community across Stanford to solve maternal and child health challenges.

The MCHRI Community

We invite all members of the Stanford community involved in advancing child and maternal health research and training to apply for membership in the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute.

To apply for membership to MCHRI, please complete the membership application. Once your application is received, your Community Academic Profile (CAP) will be updated to reflect membership in MCHRI.


900 + Stanford faculty and affiliates have joined MCHRI membership


MCHRI membership access to funding, education and training, biostats data management support, and more

Featured MCHRI Members

Kimford Meador, MD

Professor, Neurology

Mihaela Damian, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics

Priscila Ferreira Slepicka, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar, Pediatrics

"I am proud to be a new member of MCHRI. The development of multidisciplinary programs and initiatives to advance the health of children and expectant mothers is unparalleled. The creative understanding and support of collaborative research promises to have a profound impact on patient care."

Beth Beadle, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology (Radiation Therapy)


MCHRI Membership by Department (FY23)

Other Schools/Departments Include: School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Research Centers and Institutes, School of Medicine Dean's Office, and Undergraduate Students

Membership Overview

MCHRI engages the academic strengths of the Stanford School of Medicine (SoM), along with Stanford's six other Schools, Independent Labs, Institutes, and Centers, so that they incrementally apply their research engines on issues that are relevant to maternal and child health. Learn more.