2016-2017 Medical & Bioscience Education Seminars



Wednesday, June 7

Aileen Adriano, MD, Clinical Associate Professor; Adrian Marty, MD, Clinical Instructor; Pedro Tanaka, MD, Clinical Professor

Anesthesia Department

Competencies, Milestones and Entrustable Professional Activities – A Perfect Match

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are tasks or responsibilities that faculty entrust to a trainee to execute and those are executable within a given time frame; observable and measurable; and suitable for entrustment decisions. EPA’s are an assessment framework for competency based medical education that shifts the focus from competencies assessed separately, to an integrated appraisal of a trainee’s ability to perform a clinical task with a specified level of supervision. Participants in this interactive seminar should be able to: a) define the concept of EPAs and how to construct them; b) describe how to integrate EPAs in the context of milestones and core competencies in a program of assessment; and c) identify and discuss challenges in implementing EPAs/milestones/competencies in a program of assessment.



Wednesday, May 10

Neera Ahuja, MD

Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine

A Cross-Generational Approach to Promoting Productivity and Resilience in Medicine

Resilience is key to avoiding burnout, stimulating professional productivity, and promoting an overall sense of wellness.   During this interactive seminar, we will provide context for importance of this topic and explore (simple and inexpensive)   approaches that can be utilized by any individual at any stage of their career.  We will discuss strategies to sustain a sense of positivity and productivity in the workplace (knowing that this can extend into one’s personal life as well).   Finally, we will open up the conversation to the audience to share perspectives and ideas for individuals to build upon in their own work environments.



Wednesday, April 12

Danielle Shin, MD

Resident, Pediatrics

Effects of Introversion & Extroversion on Residency Training 

Dr. Shin discusses introversion, a psychological type first described by Carl Jung and popularized by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Introversion has been described as the tendency to direct one's attention inward and derive energy from solitude and reflection, rather than the external environment. There is growing awareness that introverts may face specific challenges at work, particularly in highly public and performance-oriented fields such as business and law, but likely also in medicine as well. This talk explores how understanding introversion and extraversion can help guide more effective teaching and learning strategies for different personality types. 



Wednesday, March 15

Laurice Yang, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology

Going Beyond the Feedback Sandwich

Understanding the art of giving and receiving feedback is challenging. The feedback sandwich has been traditionally used to “sandwich” a negative feedback with two positive ones, however this has been shown to be ineffective. Feedback can take many forms, which makes the process of understanding how to provide good feedback quite confusing. In this interactive seminar, Dr. Yang will use case studies to discuss how to give and receive feedback that encourages people to grow and succeed. Participants will discuss the barriers for giving good feedback, be introduced to how to give feedback that is empowering, and discuss how to receive feedback and constructive criticism.



Wednesday, February 15

What do Non-physician Members of Healthcare Teams Wish Physicians Knew?

The ability to use knowledge of our own and other’s role to address the health needs of patients and populations is a core competency for interprofessional collaborative practice. We asked non-physician members of the healthcare team what they wish physicians knew about them and their role, common misconceptions, and their suggestions for improving collaboration. Focus groups were conducted with nurses, pharmacists, case managers, social workers, rehab therapists, and dietitians at Stanford Hospital. We used this information to create a curriculum for Stanford Medical school on the perspectives, backgrounds, and roles of these professions with the aim of promoting interprofessional collaboration.




Wednesday, January 18

Anjum Anwar, Resident, Anesthesiology, Pain and Perioperative Medicine

Dr. Anwar will discuss the role of mobile learning for graduate medical education. Mobile learning for graduate medical education is of increasing importance as trainees increasingly rely on smartphones and tablets for acquisition of information. The anesthesia department at Stanford offers a daily 15 minute classroom based, formal lecture series for anesthesia residents. In this talk Dr. Anwar will describe a web app that was used to capture the slides of this lecture program. The app was developed with a start up education technology company (MiddleScholars, Inc[AM1] .). The web app was designed to process the lectures such that the user can interact with the PowerPoint slides. In particular, the app allows the user to swipe through slide images, zoom in and out, save selected slides, share selected slides, rate slides on a five star scale, search all lectures by typing in a keyword, and answer multiple-choice questions. Use of the app was measured from 8/1/2016 to 10/31/2016.  We report the level of engagement achieved with the app.

Dr. Anjum Anwar, MD, is a Fellow in the Department of Anesthesiology, Pain and Perioperative Medicine at Stanford, where she is doing a Fellowship in Advanced Training in Medical Education in anesthesia. She received her anesthesia training at the university hospitals of Trinity College Dublin and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Her research interests include active and personalized learning in medical education. 



Wednesday, December 7

Greg Wilson, Co-founder, Software Carpentry

Software Carpentry: Lessons Learned

In this livestreamed talk, "Software Carpentry: Lessons Learned," Dr. Wilson discusses lessons learned from Software Carpentry, which began in 1988 as a week-long training course at the US national laboratories and has since evolved into a worldwide volunteer effort to improve researchers' computing skills. This talk explores the lessons learned along the way about applying open source software development techniques to teaching at scale, and about getting people and institutions to change the way they work.
Greg Wilson, PhD, is the co-founder of Software Carpentry, a volunteer organization that teaches basic computing skills to researchers in a wide range of disciplines. He has worked for 30 years in both industry and academia, and is the author or editor of several books on computing and two for children. Greg received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh in 1993.



Wednesday, November 9

Sakti Srivastava, Associate Professor (Teaching) of Surgery (Anatomy)

Online Medical Education for All

Dr. Srivastava discusses the strengths and challenges of online medical education. In his role as Director for Digital MEdIC, Dr. Srivastava leads the innovative and ambitious initiative from Stanford Medicine to educate and train healthcare professionals across the spectrum and across the globe. Currently is its first phase, Digital MEdIC aims to provide customized curricula and personalized learning experiences to anyone, anywhere, anytime, by incorporating innovative design and adaptive learning technology in its online platform. Attendees will be divided into small groups to discuss and brainstorm on some of the issues involved in such an initiative.

Dr. Srivastava is a professor in the Department of Surgery and serves as Division Chief, Clinical Anatomy. He has had a long standing interest in online medical education including immersive and simulation-based learning and synchronous remote teaching / learning. He originally trained as an orthopedic surgeon with subspecialty training in hand surgery.



Wednesday, October 12

Carl Wieman, Professor of Physics and Education

Expertise in Medicine & Science and How it is Best Learned and Taught

Dr. Wieman discusses how cognitive psychology research has illuminated what it means to “think like an expert” (i.e., expertise), and how those abilities are developed, whether in a scientist, physician, or chess player. He connects that work to different teaching methods used in college science courses, shows comparative data on the learning of expertise that is achieved, and considers the role of the content expertise of the teacher in the learning process.

Carl Wieman, PhD joined Stanford in 2013 as a professor in both the Department of Physics and the Graduate School of Education. He has received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his atomic physics research (creation of the first Bose-Einstein condensation) and has been selected as Carnegie US University Professor of the Year for his research and contributions to science education. He has carried out studies of more effective techniques and technology for teaching science, particularly physics, at the undergraduate level. He was the founding Chair of the National Academy of Sciences Board on Science Education and served as Associate Director for Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy 2010-12.